Throughout the week there has been a colitinued, and We
may say an increasing anxiety, occasioned by successive failures at Liverpool. The first note of alarm came from the manufacturing districts : there had been casualties there before the present week ; but on Saturday was an- nounced the failure of Mr. James Mitchell, a woollen-Manufacturer of Bradford, Whose liabilities were Stated tit 100;000/. On Monday, the creditors of Mr. W. A. Park, of Manchester, held a meeting, and his assets were reported at 58;238t. against 73,262/. liabilities ; the estate to be wound up under trustees. On Tuesday, reports reached London respecting the position of a great house at Liverpool—reports con- tradicted and reasserted in the seine day. They were confirmed on Wednesday, in the return of the bills of Mr. Edward Oliver, an eminent merchant and shipowner : his liabilities are estimated at 700,000/. ; but his assets are reckoned at1,000,0001., and great efforts have been made by leading crimmercial and banking firma toavert an en- tire stoppage. The hopes were strengthened on Thursday by the circum- stance that bills of two Liverpool 'firms, 'whose standing is supposed to depend upon his being carried through, were ultimately met, atter some temporary hesitation. On Wednesday was reported the return of bills, to the amount of 1001000/. or 130,000/. within five months, by Messrs. James ICHenry and Co. of Liverpool,—bills, they alleged, drawn upon them by Mr. J. B. Bitching, their agent in New York, without authority. Yesterday afternoon, it was announced that Messrs. Allen and Anderson, the largest London house in the American train and prevision trade, had suspended _payment, with liabilities reckoned 'between -300,000/. and 400,000/. The house was of very old standing, but was closely con-. nected with Messrs. James M'Henry and Co. of Liverpool.