Tuesday, October 3.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Wadsworth and Matthews, Sheffield, carpenters- Robinson and Co. Manchester, silk-manufacturers-James and Wardrop, Liverpool, corn-brokers-Booth and Merchant, Huddersfield, confectioners-Thomas and Chapman, NeW Broad Street, merchants; as far as regards M. W. Thomas-Ball and Co. Manchester, commission-agents; as far as regards A. Cohn-Wells and Co. Hull, attornies ; as far as regards E. Dodd-Riggs and Co. Kendal, card-makers- Render and Milner, Manchester, commission-agents-J. C. and J. W. S. Monk- house, Barnard Castle,- Durham, spinners-Tilby and Hedges, Newgate Street, salesmen-Lovett and West, Guildford, solicitors-Steele and Co. Liverpool, cotton- brokers-PhilPott and Bullivant, Philpot Lane, tea-dealers-Purtill and Moore, Wellington Street. Strand, coffee-house-keepers-Evans and Co. Manchester, cot- ton-spinners-Fletcher and Co. Salford, dyers-Blackwell and Tombs, Eldersfield, Woroestershire, farmers-Bettison and Co. Hull, maltsters-Smith and Moorby, Oldham, plasterers -Kimber and Son, Newbury, Berkshire, tallow-chandlers- Mounfield and Cooke, Leese, Cheshire, farmers-Bray and Cook, Ifulme, Lanca- shire, joiners-Hooper and Stuckey, Bristol, silk-mercers-Potter and Halley, Far- ringdon Market, importers of leeches-Crowe and Randall, linen-drapers-Brooke and Drage, New Boswell Court, Lincoln's Inn, solicitors-Barton and Co. Old Broad Street, wine-merchants-Wardell and Fossey, Millwall, Poplar, timber-merchants- Grazier and Yeal. Sunderland, block-makers-Robson and Hall, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, ironmongers-Johnson and Baughan, Oxford Street, saddlers-Haigh and Co. Huddersfield, commission-merchants ; as far as regards H. B. Cromwell-Honey and Tolputt, Maidstone, grocers--Reay and Co. Middleton-in-Stranton, Durham, glass-bottle-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Beay and T. Potts-Porter and Co. Birmingham, iron-founders. Barricaurrs.-Wittux Ctiam, Surbiton, Hingston-upon-Thames, builder, to stirrender Oct: 13, Nov. 16: solicitor, Spiuks, Great James Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Joan ROLrE, Faversham. tailor, Oct. 11, Nov. 13: solicitors, Bower and Son, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Joan SMART, Great Tower Street, wine-merchant, Oct. 10, Nov. 18: solioitors, Stevenson and Ley, Victoria Street, Holborn Bridge; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jot:cepa Panes, Ruthin, Denbighshire, scrivener, Oct. 13, Nov. 6: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Joax BARNES, Ulverston, Lancashire, grocer, Oct. 11, Nov. 14: solici- tors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDHNISK-Oct. 26, Arthur, Neath, Glamorganshire, ironmaster-Nov. 2, Pratt, Manchester, bookseller -- Oct. 27, Guest, Manchester, cotton-spinner-Oct. 26, Barnes, Oldham, Lancashire, machine-maker-Oct. 26, Brownnett, Liverpool, mer- chant - Oct. 26, Blundell, Seacombe, Cheshire, rectifier-Oct. 26, Rennie, Liver- pool, merchant-Nov. 7. J. H. and H.R. Halsted, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-stapler. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of !meeting. -Oct. 25, Cummins, 'Gateshead, painter-Oct. 26. Garratt, Penryn, con- tractor, and Bedminster, coal-pit-proprietor-Oct. 27, Cave, Manchester, warehouse- man-Oct. 26. Elkington, King's Neath, Worcestershire, brick-maker-Oct. 26, Terry, Birmingham, cut-nail-manufacturer-Nov. 2, Siviter, Brierley Hill, Stafford- shire, auctioneer-Nov. 15, Jackson, Hull, commission-agent. DECLARATION OF DITIDEND:-Walton, Macclesfield; silk-manufacturer; first div. of Id. any Tuesday ; Pott, Manchester.
_Friday, October 6.
,PARTNERSUIPS Dissox.vnn.-dropper and Howard, Rochdale, cotton-waste-dealers ..Speneeley and Williams, Whitstable, iron-merchants-Reade and Dyson, Man- chester, calico-manufacturers-Bay and Co. Longton, Staffordshire, manufacturers of china-Dean and Hopkins, proprietors of the Staffordshire Potteries Telegraph newspaper-Both and Tate, Sunderland, merchants-Mitchell and Son, Manchester, Manufacturera of ghthanis-Spence and Co. Leeds, worsted-yarn-spinners-Creasy and Parton,,Livarpool, ironmongers-Jones and Co. Liverpool, tobacco-manufac- 'niters-January and ' Co; Stimgate, Lambeth, rdanufacturers of soda-water- Cooper and Co. Moorgate Street pianoforte-mariufacturers-Goswell and Sons, Twickenham, market-gardeners-itagland and Co. Manchester, iveighiog-machine- makers-Towneend and Smith, London, cork-umuufactitrera -W.- and R. B. Swin- scow, Hatfield Street, lilackfriars, bat-manufacturers-Milford and Co.' Exeter, -bankers-Booker and. Ransom, Darlaston, Staffordshire, surgeons-Court and Son, Birmingham, engravers-Cooper and Co. Suffolk Street, Pall Mall East, tailors- Tlionapson and 'Buddy, Manchester, joiners-Hackblocka and Co. Willow Walk,
,BeitiOndsey,fainners. • . Bannuorrcr Arnrcr..txn.-Sautrzt Bannon, West Bromwich, linen-draper.
Bairsaurrs.--anesces GEORG* CURTis, Oxford Street, victualler, to surrender Oct. 12, Nov. 13: solicitors, Bicknell!, Connaught Terrace, Edgeware Road; official assignee, Johnson, BasinghallStreet-JonarCrianclitton, Phrenix Place, Dorrington Street, Clerkenwell, funeral-carriage-maater, Oct. 12, Nov. 14: solicitors, Norden arid, frichard, Christchurch Chambers, Newgate Street ; official assignee; Graham, 'COlemna Street-Jlaire trioifieroir Cartiwitionr; Apollo Buildings, East Street, tinaber-merchant, Oct; 16, Nov. 21 : solicitor, Adams:, George Street, Mansionhouge; official 'assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Iosara Aswan, Old. Dalby, Leicestershire, .railler, Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitor, Giles, Loughborough; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Hansa STEELE FOULOKIAS.,' Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire, braidana- Anifacturer, Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitors, Bewley, Nottingham ; Hodgson, Birming- ham Official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Joan Hccnnatt„ Nottingham, grocer, . Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitors. Dunnett and Elation, Uttoxeter ; James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-HMIRY DOBBIN WELSPORB, Tewkesbury, corn-factor; Oct.18, Nor. 14; solicitors, Thomas and Lewis, Tewkesbury; .Abbot and. Lucas, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-CTIAILLEs WARWICK, Man- chester, commission-Agent, Oct...20, Nov. 9: solicitors, Higson and Robinson, Man- - chester ; official assignee, Ilernaman, Manchester-Ions BeasEs, illverstone, Lan- cashire, grocer, Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitors, Evans and Sbn, Liverpool;' Sale and 'Co. :Winchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. Divininia8.-Oct. 30, Cohan and Vicat jun. Strand, tailors - Oct. 26, Fielding, Greenwich, dealer in watches-Dct.'28, Noah and'Neal, Reigate, bankersOct. 28, Aildin, Eaatcheap, corn-factor-Nov. 2, Evans and Davy, Britton Ferry In% Works, Glamorgan, iron-masters-Oct. 30, Green, Birkenhead, auctioneer- Oct. 30, liadland, SK'Helen's, Lancashire, glass-manufacturer-Oct. 27, Reinman.and Geller, Liver- pool, merchants-Nov. 3, Edmond, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 31, Batesou, Roch- dale, cotton-spinner.' Czariricarks:- be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 36, re, Lombard Street Chambers, merchant-Oct. 26, Brant, Shore- ditch, oilman-Oct. 8, Fleming, Camberwell, brewer-Nov. 6, Wilson, Old Swindon, grocer- Oct. 30, White, Ormskirk, Lancashire, builder-Nov. 2, Bench, Birming- ham; fionr-dealer-N ov: 2; Chan try, Birmingham, paper-box-manufacturer. 'ficcrrca Settcreraarion.-Keith, Glasgow, potato-dealer, Oct. 16,