The first election in the new State of Colorado was
held on Tuesday, and has resulted in a complete victory for the Repub- lican party. They have returned their candidate for the Governor- ship, the single Member of Congress allotted to the State, and also a majority of both Houses of the State Legislature. The importance of this victory does not lie so much in the fact that. at the last Territorial election the Democrats were successful, though the change, taken in connection with the Republican victories in New England, would seem to show that the Demo- cratic reaction in the North and West has spent itself. The real significance of the election is that the Legislature which has just been returned has to choose the two Senators who are to repre- sent the new State in the United States Senate, and also has to select the three Presidential electors who will represent the State in the Electoral College. As the majority of the Legislature is. Republican, that party will return its candidates in both cases., But unless the Presidential vote is very close indeed, the Presi- dential electors will make little practical difference to the result. In the Senate, however, Colorado counts for as much as New York, and the acquisition of two seats is really an important gain.