American Pictures, Drawn with Pen and Pencil. By the Rev.
Samuel Manning, LL.D. (Religions Tract Society.)—This is a very interesting and entertaining volume. Dr. Manning travelled across the Continent by the Pacific Railway, and his descriptions of the Pacific States, with their magnificent scenery and remarkable social condition, fill a consider- able portion of his book. He shows himself to have been an intelligent and careful observer, favourably disposed to the people and country which he was visiting, but not blind to their faults. The volume is copiously illustrated with a number of spirited drawings, which, though not equal in merit, keep a good average of excellence. Once or twice the draughtsman seems to have fallen into that worship of " bigness " which Dr. Manning rightly states to be a prevailing tendency in the States. In the picture of "The Giantess Geyser of Yellowstone," for instance, the height of the column of water is represented as nearly double the sixty feet which it is stated in the text to have reached.