7 OCTOBER 1905, Page 16

848 pages, with 12 Coloured Plates, and a profusion of

other Pictures. The Annual contains long Stores by Dr. GORDON STABLES. RN. G. MANVILLE FENN, J. MACDONALD OXLEY. SKELTON KUPPORD, J. HAVELOCK JERRAM, JOHN LEA, FRANK CURZON BHT TrEN, M.A., ARTHUR LEE KNIGHT, and dozens of shorter Tales by well. known writers for Boys. The Annual also contains hundreds of eye- opening, mind-forming, idle-hands-employing, helpful papers such as will attract and elevate the readers.

JUST READY.-8s., cloth gilt.


848 pages, profusely Illustrated. The Annual contains long Stories by Mrs. VAIZ EY, GEORGE CASTELLAINE, C. E. C. WEIGALL, and EGLANTON THORNE; eighteen shorter Tales by well-known writers ; and some scores of Papers on Music, Painting, Dress, Household Economy, Needlework, Gardening, Cooking, Croquet, Photography, and other Indoor and Outdoor Employments, Medical and Legal Papers, Hints for Literary Girls, In the Twilight Side by Side, The Girl's Own Guild of Sympathy, and a great variety of other helpful Papers for sensible girls.