7 OCTOBER 1916, Page 11


[TO THE EDITOR 01 TES " SrEcrATos."1

Sta,—I was extremely interested to road in the Spectator of Septem- ber 2nd the poem, " The Cricketera of Flanders," and also your comment on the verses. During this mummer I was asked by some officers of the Automobilist Corps here, with whom our unit is in close touch through our ambulance work, to make a statue for their " Perco "—i.e., the enclosure whore their ears are kept. As a subject I chose that of a bomb-thrower. The figure was modelled in the garage placed at our disposal by the Italian Army for our ambulances, and now, cast in cement, is in position. I began the nude study with the intention of later adding the uniform of an Alpine soldier with a steel helmet, but my work was, naturally, so often interrupted by Rod Cross duties that I was obliged to finish the figure as in the enclosed photograph. Perhaps the pose is not exactly that described by you as typical, but in any case I venture to send the photograph thinking the coincidence of idea at least may interest yon.—I am, Sir, &c., J. W. SAHHANT. Croce Rossa Britannica, Sezione N. 2, X11. Corpo d'Armata, Zona Carnia.

[We are greatly interested by the photograph of the statue. We agree with the sculptor that it should be clothed in the habit of the Alpini, helmet and all.—En. Spectator.]