Kemal, in answer to General Harington's message, said that he
would prevent his troops from "advancing further." The British Government, however, apparently even then took the view that this undertaking meant nothing, as the Turkish troops could not very well advance further as they had already reached the shores of the Dardanelles. Sir Charles Harington was once again wiser. With patience and great diplomatic skill he continued to make use of delay. The result was that Kemal definitely promised that he or some representative of the Turkish Nationalists would meet Sir Charles Harington at Nindania on the Sea of Marmora 18 miles north-west of Brussa. He further undertook not to attack Chanak or Constantinople during the negotiations. The Mudania, conference opened on Tuesday. Kemal himself did not attend and the Angora Turks were represented by General Ismet Pasha.