Sir Frederick Maurice, who has watched all the efforts of
the British soldiers and sailors on the spot for peace, telegraphed to the Daily New3 of Monday that the "bombastic utterances" from Whitehall gave the impression that the British Govern- ment "either wants war or is hopelessly ignorant of the situation here." Sir Frederick Maurice pointed out that the Government, in hammering away about the neutral zones, were emphasizing a single point, and that a very risky one, while ignoring others not less important. For example, when he telegraphed on Sunday he described the conditions hi Eastern Thrace as already "terrible." Nothing was being done while the Turks were not unnaturally demanding that they should be allowed "to go to the rescue" of their compatriots in Eastern Thrace, who they said were at the mercy of the Greeks. This may not have been true, or may have been exaggerated, but never- theless it was an argument which had to be seriously met.