7 OCTOBER 1922, Page 3

One of the leading weeklies in New York, the Literary

Digest, has been conducting a plebiscite on the liquor question. The results of the poll are most instructive. Answers have been received from some 900,000 persons of all classes. The voting has been as follows : For enforcement of the existing Volstead Law, 356,193 (38.6 per cent.) ; for modification of the Volstead Law so as to permit the sale of wines and beer, 376,334 (40.8 per cent.) ; for repeal of the Volstead Law, 189,856 (20.6 per cent.). There seems therefore to be a strong movement in the United States in favour of permission of the sale of wines and beer, while the feeling against spirits is overwhelming. The present Congress is decidedly "dry," and anti-dry legislation is not to be expected in the immediate future.