SIR,-I would like to correct a misconception which your readers may have gained from a reference to me in your last issue. You re- marked : `Mr. Crossman is now the hard- worked scribe of Geraldine House, and any hopes that he might take time off to write a profound work on political theory have now to be abandoned.'
The obvious conclusion from these words is that I have joined the staff of the Daily Mirror. But that is not the case. I have been invited to contribute a regular, completely independent column, expressing my own per- sonal views, which may well not be those of the Daily Mirror and with which it will prob- ably take issue in its editorial columns from time to time. This kind of independent column has become an institution in American journa- lism, but is almost unknown over here, where most newspapers are as monolithic as a political party.
Finally, you should not surrender all hope that I shall find time to write a book! You are right in saying that a successor to Evan Durbin's book on democratic Socialism is urgently needed, and I am determined to have a try at it in the near future.—Yours faith- fully,
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