7 OCTOBER 1955, Page 7

SOME REVIEWERS made great play with the booing from the

gallery at the end of the first performance of the Punch Revue. I was present and I heard the booing but it (lid not for a moment occur to me that this was a case of the stern disci- plinarians of the gods cracking their dreaded whip. I very much doubt if the booers numbered more than two, and since their protest came only after several ecstatic demands for a delighted-to-be-back speech from Miss Binnie Hale, I had the impression that it was no more than a (certainly tactless) objection from two fanatics to their heroine's modesty. There are many more experienced and expert connoisseurs of the bird than I; but I know the real and raucous fowl well enough to assert that it was not present on that particular evening. No doubt it would have been a different matter if some of the reviewers had been up in the gods PHAROS