TEE demand for money this week has been limited, owing to the ge-. neral suspension of business operations. In the open market the.rate of discount for the best paper is 34 per cent., and .at the Bank there have been few applications. On the Stock Exchange, loans on stock can be readily obtained at 24 per cent.
The Funds have experienced more fluctuation this week, and, although slightly higher, closed with a rather dull tendency. Consols for Money advanced on Tuesday to 93, 934, then relapsed to 921 92 , and this morning were quoted at a fresh improvement at 934, 9 . From this price, however, a subsequent reaction took place to 92 , 93. Exchequer Bills and Indian Bonds have been in demand, an higher.
The New India Five per Cent. Scrip has again-been in request, but a further advance has net been fully supported. After reaching as high as 1041 a reduction has occurred to 1034 to 104. The old stock closed this evening at 1034 to 4. In.Foreign Stocks there has been a rise in Turkish Six per Cents of 1856 to 674 to 6814. Buenos Ayres Bonds are also higher on the probability of peace being established throughout La Plata. Peruvian descriptions have not altogether maintained their previous quotations. Mexican has receded considerably.
The transactions in Railway Stocks have been unimportant, but in several cases an improvement is shown. Caledonian is especially good. The New Metropolitan B. Extension Shares of the London, Chatham, and Dover are higher, on the expectation that that portion of the line will be finished in time for the Great Exhibition next year. Midland, and'Lancashire, and Yorkshire are in steady demand, owing to their favourable-traffic.
In the Colonial Railway Market, 'Indian Guaranteed Stooks have been gradually rising. Cape of Good Hope Shares are also better. :Colonial Government Debentures have been m steady demand for investment, and in most cases are quoted about 1 to .2 per cent. above last week.
American Railway Securities have been rather dull. In miscella- neous descriptions, Alining and Joint-Stock Bank Shares are improv- . Ottoman lank are particularly strong, from the satisfactory
-yearly meeting. Mercantile Fire have dropped to 4 to 4 premium, and Commercial Union to par to 4 premium. The former company have now regularly commenced business.