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Mucknoss, MILLAR:NMI, AUG. 29.—Her Majesty the Queen, with the Prince Consort,-the Prince of Wales, the Princesses Alice and Helena, and Prince Alfred,.drove out yesterday morning. BILL-WEAL, Avo:31.—The rept' yacht Victoria and .Albert arrived in Holyhead harbour. at half-past .eight yesterday morning. A guard ofhonour of.the First Royals was drawn up upon the .pier.at Holy- head. The train. immediately started en route for Aboyne, from which place her Majesty continued the journey in carriages to Balmoral, where her Majesty arrived at three o'clock. Beratomuo, Sun. 1.—The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Princess Alice, Princess Helena, and Prince Alfred, arrived at Balmoral at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, having travelled direct from Holyhead, which her Majesty left at nine on Friday evening, only stopping at Perth-for breakfast. BALMOBAly 'SEPT. Z.—The Queen, accompanied by Princess Alice, Princess 'Helena, and Prince Arthur, drove out yesterday afternoon. The Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince _Alfred and Sir Charles Wood, went ont grouse-shooting on the Moss of Monattrie. atwtoliaL, SEPT. 4.—The Queen, accompanied by Princess Helena and Prince Alfred, and attended by Lady Churchill, went out driving yesterday ,afternoon. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort went out deerstalking.