7 SEPTEMBER 1861, Page 26

Irish History and Irish Character. By Goldwin Smith. (J. H.

and James Parker.) The Messages of the Prince, and How they were Received. (J. H. and. James Parker.) The Nights of Aristopluenes. With short English Notes for the Use of Schools. (J. H. and James Parker.) The Cook's Guide, and Housekeeper's and Butler's Assistant. By Charles Elm6 Fmncatelli. With upwards of forty illustrations. (Richard Bentley.) Holes on Waxing Horses. By Lieut.-Col. Fitrwygram. With eight illustrations.

(Smith, Eider, and Co.)

Christopheros and other Poems. By Walter B. Mara. (Bell and Daldy.) Poems. By Charles C. Bowen. (Edward Stanford.)

Aftsrepreseatation : a Novel. By Anna H. Drury. Second edition. (Chapman and Hall.)

The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Edited by her great_ grandson, Lord Wharncliffe. Third edition, with additions and corrections derived from the Original Manuscripts, Illustrative Notes, and a New Memoir, by W. Hoy Thomas. -In two volumes. Vol. IT. (Henry G. Bohn.) The Apocalypse Fulfilled in the Consummation of the Mosaic Economy and the Com- Mg of the Son of Man: an Answer to the " Apocalypse Sketches" and "Ta,,, End," by Dr. Cumming. By the Rev. P. S. Desprez, B.D., &c. 'Third editien (Longman and Co.) The New Bankruptcy Law. The Act to amend the Law relating to Bankruptcy and Insolvency. Arranged and Simplified, with an Explanatory Introduction, by B. Peverley and C. Hatt, (Houl4ton and Wright.) Mysteries; or, Faith the Knowledge of God. In two volumes. (George men.. waring.)


Boutkdges Illustrated Natural History. Part V3/31T , September.


A Plan for a National Bank of Issue: whereby the Convertibility of the Bank. note into Gold will be made more Secure Menet Present. By Hamer Stansfeld, Esq. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)