Mr. Richard A. Proctor sends us a "second edition" of
his work, The Moon : her Motions, Aspect, Sceneiy, and Physical Condition. (Longmans.)—The chief change has been to remove "such portions of the original work as were too difficult for the general reader." These, we are glad to see, are to be reprinted in a separate volume, specially intended for purposes of study. The concluding chapter on the "Condition of the Moon's Surface" has been enlarged. Mr. Proctor insists on the necessity of continued careful observations of the lunar phenomena. There seems to be every reason to believe that consider- able changes must take place in the moon. The sun's heat is quite sufficient to cause them ; and there may be, as we have lately had cause for thinking, other agencies at work.—We have also to mention a "third edition" of the Arts of Writing, Reading, and Speaking, by Ed ward W. Cox. (Horace Cox.)—A second edition of Dr. Mackay's Handbook of the Seat of War in Turkey. (Simpkin and MarshalL)— The Financial Reform Almanack for 1878. (Longmans.)—This is the fourteenth annual number of this really useful almanack, which con- tains information for fiscal reformers, free-traders, politicians, public speakers and writers, in particular, and the public generally.