7 SEPTEMBER 1945, Page 21


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 18th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)


x. The shop-assistant's role. (11). Y. Weighty announcement from

mistress of the wardrobe to employer. (7.)

to. It changes into map. (7.) Solitary but disciplined deck-hand. (10.) 12. A wager from the Greek. (4.)

14. United or blown. (5.) is. Cu-operative fowl and their abodes. (8.) 17. The voice of Delphi was such an one. (8.) 19. On a bottle of Brov.-ning's. (5.) 22. Livery without the French. (4.) 23. Said to .be improved by harsh treat- ment. (6, 4.) 6. A case of keeping the tyke in sus- pense. (7.) 27. A vice very largely its own defini- tion. (7.) 8. Me and my gal. (Ia.)


t Such tragedians might be a sequel to a novel by Meredith. (S.) 3 One does at midnight on. some occa- sions. (7.)

3. Langue d'oc was his tongue. (to.) 4. Echo enables one to. (6.) 5. The things in the papers. (8.)

6. A volume to me. (4.)

7. Does he try to sell encampments. (9.) S. Author of " Sweet Lavender." (6.) 13. You devoured a sign of stress? (to.) the her 14. A sailor, or herbs if reorganised. (9.) x6. Delivered by the loquacious French waiter of whom one ordered herring?

(8.) 18. Parson in them? More likely bishops. (6.)

20. The bird in pursuit. (7.) 21. Wherein 'writers of fiction do not deal actually. (2, 4.)

24. Found in all cricket elevens in the field. (5.) 25. " Quoted - and jewels tive-words- long." (Tennyson.) (4.)