• Counties and Cricket
SIR,—As I so often find myself in agreement with Janus, it is almost a joy to question the logic of his observations in regard to residential or birth qualifications for county cricketers. If his suggested adherence to the rule were strictly enforced, would it not mean that in a large county like, say, Yorkshire, many first-class cricketers would never get a place in the county team—owing, to the superabundance of talent available ? Conversely many of the smaller counties might never be able to build up a first-class county sale. If I were offered a job in any town, and joined the local hockey or lawn tennis club, and my prowess secured me a place in the county side, would my residential or birth qualificatiofi be questioned? If the importation of players can result in the exhilarating cricket which Warwickshire has given us this season under its inspired captain, Dollery, with his " let's-have-a-go-win-or-lose policy," then I'm all for ,it.—Yours faithfully,