A Sevenpenny “Spectator"
When at the beginning of last May most of the daily papers and many weeklies increased their prices, in some cases substantially, it was stated that the Spectator would continue to publish at the traditional sixpence till that became impossible, but that any considerable further rise in the price of paper or printing would make a change inevitable. That rise has since taken place. From August 1st the price of paper was increased again by no less than 23 per cent. and of printing by another 10 per cent. That has left no choice open. Resolved though the Board of the Spectator has been to bear the load of rising costs itself before asking its readers to take some share, the time has come when the burden must be spread. The last dividend was cut, allocations to reserve were suspended, various economies have been effected. The finances of the paper are on a thoroughly sound basis, but in order that they may be kept so it is essential to increase the cost of the paper by one penny a week (half the price of a cigarette) as from the issue of October 5th. The annual subscription rises as a natural consequence from 30s. to 35s. (post free). Whether any further advance will be necessitated, and how soon a reversion to sixpence will be possible, depends on factors outside our control. Whatever may happen, the price of the Spectator will be kept to the lowest figure economically practicable.