Sir: There is a deal of talk about the quality
and activity of our political leadership, which varies from the succinct comment by a remarkably successful and articulate 'blimp' to the reminder by William Baird in the current issue that celts need an especial approach and effort. (Montgomery in his writings upon leadership often harped upon the need to recognise and act upon the different characteristics of those in the British Isles, whether they he celt or cockney.)
All this is surely true; and the lack of quality and interest in their fellow is highlighted by the activities just now of our Tory leaders with time on their hands.
There are grave problems: and true leaders must get up front and see for themselves, and by so doing gain respect for themselves as well as useful knowledge against the day when it could be needed.
To be explicit: one day Heath may
to be talking in No 10 (so he hopes) I° People such as Adamson, Gormley, Ezra or Scanlon; or grappling with problems such as school standards, or voilent crime, or lack of overtime and so called unemployment. When any leader does this, he must be able to say "Yes, Mr So and So, I understand, I too have been down a coal mine recently" or, "talked to a typical truant at a difficult comprehensive this year," or, "Yes I like the scenery at Drumbue etc too, But ...," or "I think this civil servant who Wrote this brief does not know, this
problem as it really is on the ground" etc.
In going' about such problem areas relevant publicity is automatic and if the visits are not put up PR jobs and done With genuine intent people will say Well at least he is interested in our Problems since he listens"! Every time such a visit is made it presents a sound image of a man who simply says "there is Problem about so and so — (eg the good nurse on three-quarters the pay of a bad typist) and I want to study it at firsthand".
It is all this which is the true essence of leadership which creates the bond between chief and indian; not the quality of being able to boss about paid executives and junior colleagues better than others.
To sell the Tory Party, MP's should have chosen people able-, to do this naturally, instead of having to rely upon ado-good progressive Tory gnome such as Carr, or an inarticulate public Speaker with a pulpit tone of voice Whose sole interests seem to be music, Yachting and Europe! Nevertheless, aPpearances are less important than the guts f leadership which is doing the
ht g and setting the right exam Ple. In a nutshell, therefore, let Mr Heath get off his damn yacht and along with his colleagues get down those coal mines and around shattered Ulster and up to Scotland and into a dockyard or shipyard before they dare open their mouths to the public again on such matters! This is what timid party workers really mean when they tactfully whimper about their leaders "keeping in touch with grass roots"; although of course they won't say it,
Tommy Thompson 6 Grant Road, London WI