LETTERS Nationality first
Sir: Andrew Brown, when describing humorous rivalry as 'revanchist national- ism' (Baltic tears and vodka', 17 August), made a common mistake with British people. That is to regard different nationa- lities as foreigners first, and their own nationality second.
The Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have little in common apart from their histories this century. I cannot stress enough that they are different nations. Therefore, that emigres from those coun- tries now work together in political unity is most creditable.
As a participant on the cruise, I found it a little unfair that Mr Brown concentrated on negative aspects such as little jibes aimed at each other and not the over- whelming feeling of unity of cause we Baits all feel. To me, this feeling was most apparent on the boat.
Oh, and the vodka? I'd like to thank your writer for describing the noisy parties that many of us left early to get some sleep. It seems all I missed were a few bad jokes. Algis Kuliukas
158 Great West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex