AIR/VID—At Gravesend, 3d April, Asiatic, Barlow. from China; 9th, Syria, Stroyan ; and Neptune, Murray. from China; Roseanne, Johnstone. and Royal Consort, Roman, from Calcutta; Elizabeth Walker. Crawford, from Ceylon; 5th, Hope, Crawford. from Batavia ; and 6th. Midlothian. Morrison, from Calcutta. In the Downs. 24 Ditto. Ann Watson, Sayer., from China. At Bristol, 4th Ditto, Samuel Barker, Wild. from Mauritius. At Liverpool. 3d Ditto, Ann Metcalf, Errington, from Calcutta. At St. Helena, 8th Feb. Juverna, Grundy, from Mauritius; 13th. Indian. —, from Cey- lon; and Pandora, Cothay, from Manila. At Bombay. 24 Feb. Royal William, —; ad John Mitchell, from London ; and Mertoun. Kenn, from Liverpool. 18th, Falcon. Anatruther, from Londou; and Hama, Tulloch, from Newcastle. At Madras, 16th Feb. Duke of Argyll. Bristow, from London. At Calcutta, Windsor. Voss; and John Bibby, Cawkett, from London ; Earl Grey, M•Vicar ; and Lady Flora Hastings, Hceeason. from Liverpool. At Singapore. 5th Jan. Anne Jane, Rigby, from Liver- pool; and 7th, John Knox, White. from London. At China, previous to 11th Jan. Little Catherine, Franklin; Greyhound, Hutchinson ; Orestes, Cook ; Lady Rafles, Fraser ; and Christopher Rawson. from London.
SAILID—Prom Gravesend, 4th April. Cleopatra, Early. for China ; Samarang. Ald- ham, for Madras and Calcutta; and Tigris. Linton, for Ceylon. The Childers, Sellis, from Singapore to China, was lost in the Palawan Passage, on the 9th January; crew saved.
Sammy Moenuce.—ARIZIVID—At Liverpool, 7th April, John O'Gaunt, Robertson, from China. At St. Helena. previous to 20th Feb. Platina, Wicherly, from Batavia; Harbinger, Candlish. from Manilla ; London, Benn ; Florist, Huggins ; Abatross, Boalt ; and Blakely.—, from Calcutta; William and Ann, Pearson; and Barrett, Pattison, from Bombay ; Abbotsford. Davidson; and John King. Bristowe, from Mauritius. At Ceylon. 25th Jan. Achilles, Trivets, from London ; and 10th Feb. Frances, Corkbill, from Liverpool. Sarum—From Gravesend, 7th April, Martin Luther, Palmer, for Calcutta.