STOGIE EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. All the Stocks, the books of which were closed for the Dividends, are now opterfbr private transfer; and money business in them, which has been sus- pended■since the 1st March, has been resumed. The improvement in the priceetof the Three per Cent Stocks has since that period been from 1 to 14 per cent; while the Three-and-a-half per Cent have rather declined; the Pre- sent quotation, with the dividend added, being per cent below that at the closing of the books. The improvement in Bank Stock has been 11 or 12 per cent ; while India Stock has been quite stationary. The favourable charac- ter ofthe intelligence brought by the Indian mail, on Wednesday, caused an improvement in the prices of Stock; Consols, both for Money and Account, having reached 97 ; at which price there were, for a short time, buyers for the Account. The market gave way yesterday, when the revenue-returns became known ; it having been anticipated that a sufficient surplus would accrue to place a sum at the disposal of the Government for the purposes of the Sinking- fund. In the present state of the market, any purchases on that account would produce a great effect. In the absence of any such transactions, the speculators for the fall have taken courage, and by their operations depressed the market about per cent. The public seem also to have sold stock during the last two days, and this circumstance has rendered money rather scarcer than usual. The premium of Exchequer Bilis has improved, and is quotedto- day at 70s. It was supposed that the Bills to be issued to the sufferers by the
su o be d
Rapallo fraud would delivered to them at par; but it is now understood be charged the current premium of the day previous to that on that they will
abioli they are issued.
The question of the reduction of the Three-and-a-half per Cents seems to have gone into oblivion for a short time; at least we hear no discussions as to the details of the intended plan. If the country had been so fortunate as to possess any surplus revenue, the reduction would have been a matter of cer- tainty; but it is now problematical whether, in the absence of any purchases for the, the price of Three per Cent Stock can be carried up to that point, (98;) at which only it is understood the Minister has determined to effect the reduction. Unless the arrangement should take place before July, we can hardly expect it to want at all during this year. The changes in the Foreign Market have not been extensive. Dutch Two- andLa-half per Cents are in demand at a slight advance ; the Five per Cents, however, remain the same. The reported return of Mr. ELLIS from Rio Ja- neiro, without having concluded a commercial treaty with the Brazilian Go- vernment, has not been believed : the Brazilian Bonds have not, therefore, been affected. The market, however, still continues heavy. The arrival of the Lie- hen mail on Monday, without bringing intelligence of the conclusion of the Tariff, cast a momentary damp upon Portuguese Bonds; which declined about -1 per cent from the prices of last Saturday, but have since rallied again, in con- sequence of the large purchases made for Holland ; and close this afternoon about 1 per cent above the lowest quotation. The arrival of 14,000 dollars on account of the Mexican Dividends tended, small as the amount is, to support the market, which advanced about 1 per cent. It has since given way, and closes rather lower than our last quotations. The transactions have, however, been of the same cha- racter as last week ; but few bona fide sales having occurred and little stock float- ing on the market. Columbian Bonds are rather lower in the absence of any transactions in them. Spanish Stock has been the chief attraction to the speculators; and, taking the extreme quotations, it may be said to have fluc- tuated about 2 per cent; the highest quotation of the Three per Cents having been 331, and the lowest 314. The extreme point of depression was reached today, when a reaction of about per cent occurred ; so the market closes at that improvement. The Five per Cents have not been so much affected as the Three per Cents. The fluctuation has been chiefly occasioned by re- portspro and con as to the contract for the Almaden Mines. It was at first stated that some of the purchase-money was to be paid in Bonds; but that deed not now appear to be the case. The upward and downward movement of the marketis thus accounted for. The contract has been finally adjudged totMesars. ROTHSCHILD, at an advance 25 per cent upon their previous bar- gain; and these gentlemen have in consequence advanced the price of quick- silver 124 per cent. The transactions in Shares, though numerous, have not been important. The allotment of those of the Paris and Lyons Railway will take place on Malty.
SATURDAY, Twiti,vx o'Cr..ocz. The English Funds are without any alteration from the closing prices of yes- terday, The transactions of the Foreign Market are quite trifling, and prices generally the same. We can only notice the following transactions in Shares; the business in these Securities being as unimportant as that in the Funds. Del Monte Mining, Unregistered, 5/. Railways-Edinburgh and Glasgow, 494 i ; Brighton, 354 1 4; Blackwell, 5'; Birmingham, 211 212 ; Northern and Eastern-Scrip, 17; North Midland, 68; Rouen and Havre, ag.
The English Funds have improved ; and in the course of the afternoon Consuls have been done for Money at 97 ; the closing price being 967 7 both fOr!Money and Account. Exchequer Bills are lower, viz. 67 to 69 ; being a decline of one shilling in the premium : no bargain is recorded as having occurred in April Bills. After a slight fluctuation in some of the more speculative Stocks, the prices of most of the Foreign Funds close at the morning's quotations. Columbian Bonds are heavy, at 244 5. The following transactions have occurred in Shares, in addition to those reportedin the morning. Mining-Mocaubas and Cucaes United, 41 ; Anglo. Mexican, Subscription, 2. Railways-Eastern Counties, Scrip, 12; Great Western, 95; Brighton, 334; Greenwich, Preference, 17i ; South-western, 641:; Paris and Rouen, 271; South-eastern and Dover, 254; Ditto, Scrip, 25f I.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Gout Reduced. ... ex div 31 per Cent Ditto ex div. Nora/ per Cents . . Bank Stock for Account Exchequer Bills prem India aock Brasilian 5 per Cents Belgian 5 per Cents Chillan 6 per Cents ....
961 7
Chilian Deferred
961 7
Colombian 6 per Cents,1824.
964 Danish 3 per Cents ......
1011 I Dutch 24 per Cents 1024 1 Ditto 5 per Cents
Mexican 5 per Ceuta Coned .
67 9 Portuguese New 5 p. Cta. 1841
Russian 5 per Cents 74 6
Spanish (Active) Sper Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
1044 54
88 90
30 St 244 5 85/ 64 564 4 991 1001 291 30 404 1 1131 Ii4 231 4 314 2
The Exchequer Bills assigned as compensation tb the suffereally 'Defraud recently committed in these Securities were issued yesterday; they are all dated 3d April last ; and thus a distinction is established between them and the other Exchequer Bills current in the market, which bear date in June 1842 and March 1843. It has been decided by the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, that the average premium these Securities may bear in the market today is to regulate that at which they are to be issued to the holders of the spurious Bills, which will be cancelled by the issue of these new bills. As yet, no transaction has occurred in them ; but they will in future be separately marked in the Official List of the Stock Exchange as Bills dated the 3d April, and are known in the language of the Market as New Bills.