8 APRIL 1843, Page 7

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ALL is in preparation at Buckingham Palace to receive the third Royal infant on entering existence. The Queen continues to walk with the Prince in the Palace-garden ; and on Wednesday they took an airing in an open barouche. Her Majesty was visited, on Monday, by the Dutchess of Cambridge, the Princess Augusta, and the Dutchess of Gloucester; on Wednesday, by the Princess Sophia Matilda, and Prince George of Cambridge; on Thursday, by the Duke of Cam.. bridge. The Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Monday. The Coun- cil was attended by the Prince, the Cabinet Ministers, and the Great Officers of the Household. The Duke of Montrose, as Lord-Lieutenant of Stirlingahire, and Colonel Hugh Baillie, as Lord-Lieutenant of Ross, took the oaths of office. The Queen gave audiences to Lord Wharncliffe, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, the Earl of Haddington, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Stanley, and Sir James Graham.

Prince Albert visited the Temple Church on Saturday ; the porter at first refusing to admit him, as he was unattended and unrecognised. On Monday, he visited Mr. George Hayter's collection of historical pictures ; and afterwards presided, as patron, at a meeting of the Institute of British Architects, distributing prizes. On Tuesday, he visited the Crown Prince of Wurtemberg, who returned with his Royal Highness to luncheon at the Palace. Yesterday, the Prince presided at a meeting of the Commission for Promoting the Fine Arts, and inspected the new Houses of Parliament.

Visits have passed between the Datchess of Kent, the Queen Dow- ager, the Princess Sophia, the Duke of Sussex, the Dutchess of Glou- cester, the Dutchess of Cambridge, and the Princess Augusta. The Queen Dowager left Marlborough House for Bushy Park on Wednesday. The Datchess of Kent was at the Italian Opera on Saturday.

The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge went to the Opera on Satur- day. On Sunday the Duke dined with Baron Rothschild ; on Monday, with Mrs. Montefiore ; yesterday, with the Earl and Countess of Had- dington. On Wednesday he presided at the dinner of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund. The Dutchess and Princess Augusta went to the French Play on Wednesday.