The favourable reaction in Government Securities which commenced last Friday has made further progress this week ; arising chiefly from an in- creased belief in the cooperation of Austria with the Western Powers, sug- gested partly by the rumoured sale of the effects and probable departure of the Austrian Ambassador from St. Petersburg. Several purchases have been made in the Funds during the week ; the dealers providing themselves in anticipation of a demand for Stock arising from the reinvestment of dividends, as well as some of the proceeds of the Old South Sea Annuities paid off, amounting to 2,035,818/. The panic appears to have subsided, and a feeling of greater confidence is established. On Tuesday the Funds ad- vanced 1, and Consols were done at 861, on the arrival of intelligence that the Emperor of Russia was desirous to negotiate through Prussia. This was sub- sequently regarded as utterly futile, and to favour some treacherous design ; and the Funds declined 1, assisted by the announcement of a rupture between Turkey and Greece. The variations have been frequent this week ; and a draw- back sometimes experienced by the downward tendency in French Stocks, occa- sioned by distrust, in connexion with recent failures and a fear of other em- barrassments. On Wednesday, Consols advanced to 86 7; and yesterday they touched 875, as the quarterly return of the revenue gave great satisfac- tion; but they closed 1 lower. At Vienna, the fluctuations have been vio- lent and of daily occurrence the last accounts show a favourable reaction of 2 per cent, and the exchange on London was 13.30. At St. Petersburg, the rate is 34d. Gold arrived from Australia on Monday, valued at 200,0001., and 60,000/. from New York. The shipments of specie in gold and silver this week for Alexandria, India, and China, amounted to 134,714/. There has been less excitement in the London markets for Russian produce, and a fall of 28. per per hundredweight in tallow. A greater demand for money has existed for the last few days, through large payments for tea-duties at the reduced scale now in operation, amounting, it is supposed, to 300,000/.
The Earl of Clarendon's reply to the Earl of Malmesbury, that the Russian fleet had not quitted Sebastopol, has had a favourable effect on the Funds. Stock has been in demand, and Consols have touched 871 today ; closing at 871 1, caused by a reaction in the French Funds on yesterday's improve- ment. Exchequer Bills are 28. higher this week.
Foreign Securities have been very firm, particularly Russian, in which there have been several purchases. An advance has occurred in the follow- ing-Russian Five per Cents, 7; Peruvian Four-and-a-half, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 6; Danish Five, Dutch Four per Cents, and Pe- ruvian Three per Cents, 5; Danish Three, and Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 4; Sardinian, Swedish, Buenos Ayres, and Portuguese Four per Cents, 3; Brazilian, Spanish Three per Cents, and Venezuela, 2; Austrian, Mexican, and Granada Deferred, 1, Spanish Deferred, 1. The remittances by the Mexican packet on Saturday last amounted to 104,560 dollars 71 cents from Vera Crux ; of which 20,250 dollars are a repayment to the dividend fund from Mr. Escandon ; and 7332 dollars 97 Cents from Tampico. The holders of certificates for arrears have been informed, that in addition to Si. 38. per cent already resolved, there will be a further payment of 58. per 100L Accounts from Mexico state that revolutionary movements are occa- sionally attempted, but Santa Anna is able to suppress them. It was reported that some modifications required by the American Government respecting the treaty for sale of the Mesilla Valley had been accepted by Santa Anna, and that the final ratification would soon take place. French Scrip is about 1 discount. In Turkish Scrip, business has been suspended, and the negotia- tions for the loan are postponed. Railways have been well supported throughout the week, owing to the buoyancy in other markets. On Wednesday, several purchases were made ; and an advance of 108. to 308. occurred in several cases, followed by further improvement yesterday, when the difference inAome. of theleading lines com- pared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase-Scottish Central, 41.; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 24 10s. ; Lancaster and Car- lisle, London and South-Western, Norfolk and South Wales, 21.; York, New- castle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 1/. 10s. ; London and North-Western, 1/. 58.; Caledonian, East Lancashire, Great Northern, Mid- land, and Oxford, Worcester, and. Wolverhampton, 11.; Great Western, 158. ; Aberdeen, and South-Eastern, 108. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 5s. Shrews- bury and Birmingham have declined 2/. In Foreign Shares, the improve- ment has been-Sambre and Meuse, 10s.; Northern of France, 78. 6d.; Paris and Strasbourg, 58.; Paris and Lyons, 28. 6d. Paris and Rouen have declined 11. Today the English lines are from 58. te 158. higher. Foreign Shares have also improved. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Funds are 5 higher this morning, owing to the telegraphic information that Prussia has joined in a protocol signed at Vienna on Mon- day, between England, France, and Austria. Consols aro now 871 1 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills are rather better; they are now 1 5 pm. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 179,564/. Foreign Stocks have not altered. Railways are rather firm; these are the present bargains-Great Western. na ; Great Northern, 87; Lon- don and North-Western, 95a ; Midland, 571 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 60.
SATURDAY, TWO o'cLoca. The English Funds have been very buoyant since the morning, and large purchases have taken place ; they leave ofk upon an advance of 1 per cent. Consols are now 88 4 for Money and Account. Bank Stock is 2 better, and Exchequer Bills ls. Foreign Stocks have been in demand, and the follow- ing have improved-Dutch Four, Peruvian Four-and-a-half, and Three per Cents, Russian Five per Cents, and Sardinian, 1; Mexican, 1. Buenos Ayres have been done at 55. Railways are higher in connexion with other markets ; these are the latest transactions-Caledonian, 521; Eastern Counties, 12; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 221; Great Northern, 864, Ditto B Stock, 1201; Great South- ern and Western, (Ireland,) 905; Great Western, 735; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 605; London and Blackwell, 7; ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 96; London and North-Western, 96; London and South-Western, 76k; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 191, Midland, 584; Norfolk, 46; North British, 301; North Staffordshire, 101 ; Scottish Central, 81; South- Eastern, 58; York and North Midland, 44; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 125; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1094; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock, 130; Midland Preference, 45 per Cent, 11 die.; North British, 985; East Indian Extension, I; Northern of France, 29; Paris and Lyons, 211; Paris and Strasbourg, 271. Mines-Agua Fria, 2; Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 301; West Mariposa, #. Joint Stock Banks-London Joint Stock, 23; Union of Australia, 645. Miscella- neous-Australian Agricultural, 37,1 ; Crystal Palace, 64; Van Diemen' Land, 91.
3 per Cent Consols 881 Danish 3 per Cents 72 5 ex d. Ditlo for Account 88 Dutch 2.1 per Cents 55 7 3 per Cent Reduced 87 Ditto 4 per Cents 85 7 ex d. 34 per Cents 876 I. Mexican 3 per Cents 244 5
Long Annuities 43 Permian 41 per Cents 59 61
Bank Stock 212 15 Ditto 3 per Cents 41 3 ex d. Exchequer Bills 2 6 Portuguese 4 per Cents 35 7 India Stock 220 5 Russian 5 per Cents 02 5 Austrian 5 per Cents 73 6 Ditto 44 per Cents 60 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 92 4 ex d. Spanish 3 per Cents 344 54 Belgian 46 per Cents 80 5 Ditto Deferred 17/ if Milian 6 per Cents 98 100 ex d. Sardinian 5 per Cents 75 7 Danish 5 per Cents 90 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 78 82