On the 26th March, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Wingfield, of a son.
On the 26th, in New Street, the Lady Mary Hoare, of a son.
On the 29th, at Drumboe, Lady Hayes, of a daughter. On the 31st, at Bournemouth, Rants, the Hon. Mrs. Abercromby, of a son. On the 31st, at Fritham Lodge, New Forest, the Wife of Captain Edmund Heath- cote, H.M.S. Archer, of a son. On the 1st April, at Elolbrooke Grange, Warkickshire, the Lady of Charles M. Caldecott, Esq., of a son. On the 1st, the Wife of Jo'. n Murray, Esq., Albemarle Street, of a son. On the 2d, at Fawsley, the Hon. Mrs. Gage, of a son. On the 2d, at Putney, Lady Eardley Wilinot, of a daughter. On the ad, at Torquay, the lion. Mrs. Spring Rice, of a daughter. On the 4th, at 69, Gloucester Place, the Wife of J. R. Godley, Esq., of a daugh- ter.
On the 9th February, at Kerowly. Rajpootana, James R. Ballantyne, Esq., LL.D., Principal of the Government College, Benares, to Annabelle Georgians, fourth daughter of the late Captain T. Monck Mason, R.N., and a granddaughter of the late lion. Sir George Grey, Bart, K.C.B. On the 13th March, at Tortola, James Watson, son of the late James Dunlop, Esq., Glasgow, to Augusta Cornell, fourth daughter; and, at the same time, Charles, son of the Rev. H. Girdleatone, Rector of Landlord, WI1TS, TO Elsa West, youngest daughter, of his Honour the late Lieutenant-Colonel,Chads, President of the Virgin Islands. On the 4th April, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Robert Agliooby Slaney, Esq., of Walford Manor, Shropshire, and Bolton Row, Mayfair, to Catherine Anne, widow of the late G. C. Archer, Esq., of Mount-John, county of Wicklow, and Eaton
Place. DEATHS.
On the 25th January, at Allahabad, Lieutenant-Colonel William Taylor Shortt, late of her Majesty's Eighty-seventh Regiment. On the 3d .March, at sea, on his passage to England, Lieutenant-Geueral Sir Richard Armstrong, Colonel of the Thirty-second Regiment, and late Commander in-chief at Madras. On the 20th., at Gibraltar, Colonel Rice Jones, K.11., Coupanding Royal Engi- neers in that garrison; in his 65th year. .
On the 21s1, at Naples, General Mercer Henderson, of Fordel House, and Sea Bank, Aberdour, Fifesbire. - ' On the 29th, at Staindrop, John Trotter, Esq., formerly Colonel of the Durham Local Militia, and a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant of that county for sixty years ; in his 90th year. On the 29th, Lady Frances Charlotte, wife of the Rev. Edward Botreerie, Coleshill Vicarage, Berks, and youngest sister of the Earl of Devon. On the 31st, at Dublin; the Rev. James Carlile, OD., for upwards of forty years Minister of St. Mary's Abbey Scotch Church, Dublin, and for some years Govern- ment Commissioner, and Member of the National Board of Education (hr Ireland ; in. his 70th year. On the 31st, at Sonthsea, David James Ballin,aall, late Colonel Commandant of the Woolwich Division of Royal Marines, and eldest son of the late Lieutenant- General Ballingull; in his 64th year. On the 2d April, at South Parade, Doncaster, Matilda, widow of the late John White, Esq., and daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Denton, Rector of Ashiptid, Surrey ; in her 910t year.
On the 3d, at Newark-on-Trent, the Rev. Joseph !Cooke, D.D.; in his 67th year. On the 3d, at Charlwood, Surrey, Mr. John March ; in his 91st year.
On the 3d, at Pengwern, Flintshire, the Right lion. Edward Pryce, Baron Mos- tyn ; in his 8511. year.
On the 3d, in Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, Professor Wilson ; in his 69th year: On the 3d. at Werayss Castle, Rear-Admiral James Erskine Wemyss, of Vs einYss and Torrie, Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Fife; in his 65th year. On the 5th, in Clarges Street, the Hon. Edmund Byng; in his 80th year. On the 5th, at Dover, the Rev. Thomas Morris, for thilty-six years Rector of St. James, Dover, and Vicar of Bonham, Kent; in his 74th year.
On the 6th, at $t. James's Palace, Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Wade Thornton, G.C.H.; in his 90th year.
Lately, in Vansittart Terrace, Greenwich, Edward Riddle, Esq., F.R.A.S., for up- wards of thirty years Head Master of the Greenwich Hospital schools ;in his 67th year.