Tuesday, April 4.
Paagssitsuirs Dissotven.- Sharman and Bird, Goodmanchester, drapers-Shar- man and Son, Huntingdon, drapers-Jones and Pughe, Liverpool, joiners-L. and H. Nathan, London, roerchants-Burge and Perrin, Manchester, booksellers-Wing and Fottinger. Battersea, surgeons-Lvans and Son, Birmingham, millers-Kennedy and Co. Burslem, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturere-Mander and Adams. Leamington Priors, nurserymen-Wood and Sons, Spahlitig, Lincolnshire, woollen- drapers ; 88 far as regards M. Wood-Elliot. and Co. Manchester, commission-mer- chants-Gladstone jun. and Co. Liverpool, iron-founders-Schofield and Greenwood, Coptrod, Rochdale, cotton-waste-spinners - Bayley and Reeve, Ashford, Kent, auctioneers-Lines and Co. Plummer's How, Whitechapel. ink-manufacturers- afarsden and Co. Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards S. C. Silverwood-Barber and Bancroft. Sheffield, brick-makers - Heath and Vidal, surgeons - Birds and Metcalfe, Shipley. Yorkshire. machine-makers - W. and I. Holmes, Wilsden, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners - Cockman and Son, Aldersgate Street, oilmen- Shewell and Clark, Great Tower Street, wholesale tea-dealers - Hurst and Roberts, Quickedge, Saddleworth, engineers-Foot and Wilson, Ingram Court, Fenchumh Street, wine-merchants-Hunt and Hornsey, John's Terrace, Hackney Road, pawnbrokers-Wood and Co. Shipley Fields, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners; as far as regards I. H. Wood-Smith and Pearce, Birmingham. glass-merchants- salthouse and M`Ghie, Ashton-under-Lyne, drapers-Willey and Co. Sheffield, drapers ; as far as regards J. Judd-T. and J. Brown, Coventry, riband-manufac- turers-Troughton and Co. Liverpool-Thomson and 111 actaggart, Glasgow, mer- chants-Stewart and Co. Greenock, merchants ; as far as regards J. B. Stewart.
BANICRUPTCIEN ANNULLED-HENRY CHARLES PALMER, Stones' End, Southwark, hatter-Thomas DAW8O7S, Darlington, corn-merchant.
BANEnorrs.-Wmittess LLOYD, York Street, Westminster, victualler, to surrender April 12, May 10: solicitors, Parnell and Gillaume, New Bond Street ; official assig- nee, Canaan. Aldermanbury-FREDEHICH HELLYER, New Bronipton. Kent, wood- carver, April 11, May 16: solicitors, Hillyer and Fenwick, St. Mary-at-Hill ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Joint SOLOMON, Circus, Minories, shipowner, Apnl 12, May 15 solicitors, Ashley and Watts, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Stun- ted, Basil:mill Street-JOSEPH STANBRIDGE ROGERS CLARKE, Westbonme Grove, Bayswater, ay-dealer, April 12, May 20 : solicitor, Elliott, Great %nightrider Street,
Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-STEPHEN ManzDim, Birmingham, draper, April 20, May 11 : solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore. Birmingham-NoAn LEr, Bingley, innkeeper, April 21, May 5: solicitors, Weatherhead and Burr, Keighley ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-GEonoii HastAm, Higham, Derbyshire, currier, April 22, May 6: solicitors, Barker, Huddersfield ; Dixon and Blackwell, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield. DIVIDENDS.-May 2, Barnes, Hungerford, auctioneer--May 2, Biddulph, Henri- etta Street, Covent Garden, banker-April 27, Hartley and Reed, Rotherhithe, ship- wrights -Apri125, Dodd, Iletton-le-Hole, Durham, grocer-May 4, Stephens, Truro, draper-May 4, Woods, Buckfastleigh, Devonshire, miller-May 4, Duffield, Heart- tree. Devonshire, commission-agent-May 4, Gunning, Okehampton, surgeon-April 26, Proctor, Lincoln, engineer-April 25, Ellis, Liverpool, printer.
CARTIPICATES.-21/ be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting..-April 25, Salter, Back Church Lane, yeast-merchant-April 26, Gibbons, Wood Street, Cheapside, straw-hat-warehouseman-April 26, Amsinck, Frederick Street, Hampstead Road, brewer-April 26, Homes,. High Street, Southwark, wool- len-draper-April 25, Cooper, Three Colt Lane, Lunchouse, oilman-April 25, Or- phin, Brighton, builder-April 25, Aslifleld, Church Street, Lambeth, lithographic- printer-April 25, Sweet, Tunbridge Wells, seedsman-April 25, Outram, Stockton- npon-Tees, timber-merchant-April 27, Pitt, Haselbury Plncknett, Somersetshire, girth-web-manufacturer-April 25, Poiuton, Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire, innkeeper
- April 26, Evans, Manchester, ironmonger-April 27, Green, Easton, Staffordshire, ironmonger.
DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDE/BM-Pope, Lombard Street, coal-merchant ; third div. of lid. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Meates, Conduit Street, grocer ; second div. of ma. any Wednesday; Whitmore. Basingball Street -Dawes, and Co. Pall Mall, bankera; ninth div. of 9d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Millington, Malden, chemist ; first div. of 4s. 10d. Thutsday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street -Rose Manchester, brewer; first div, of aid. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street- Gibson, Waterloo, Liverpool, innkeeper ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Leake, Wheelock, salt- merchant; second div. of 14d. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Breed and Eccleston. Liverpool, merchants; fourth div. of 1-32d. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Prod- gers, late of Ludlow, banker ; fifth div, of jd. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham
- Sibson, Wrexham, cattle-dealer ; div. of 9s. 2d. on new proofs on account of first div. of 105. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION.-Liddell, Glasgow, warehouseman, April 11.
Friday, April 7.
• PARTNERSHIPS DrasoLvEn.-Ramsden and Co. Hamden Mill, Huddersfleld, wool- len-cloth-manufacturere-Royle and Co. Great Heaton, Manchester, dyers ; as far as regarde J. and IL Boyle and M. R. Travis-Nuttall and Co. Constablee Bridge Mill, Mawtenstall, 'Landashire, cotton-manufacturers-Everton and Co. Coventry, grocers-Jefferies and Co. Cirencester, auctioneers-Higgins and Co. Liverpool, iron-house-builders-Byrne and Turfrey, tipper Charlton Street, pianoforte-manu- facturers -Pulleyn and Hunt. Leeds, lithographers -Williams and Co. Gresham Street, attornies; as far as regards J. Williams-Hanson and Co. Alrnondbury, Yorkshire, woollen-slobbers; as far as regards S. Halstead-Seddon and Jackson, Kersley, Lancashire, provision-dealers-Wilcox and Co..Millwall, earthenware- manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Barnard-Webb and Williams, Old Kent Road, butchers-Sharpe and Worth, Huddersfield, corners-Machen and Sons, Sheffield, file-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Machen -Gibson and Ridley, Hexham, Northumberland, wine-merchants-Harrison and Shakeshaft, Blackburn, tallow- chandlers -Bowyer and Sons, Twickenham, maltsters; as far as regards T. Bowyer -Liberty and Taylor, Nottingham, hosiers. BANKRUPTCIES ANNIILLED.-JOSIAH BRADWELL, Manchester, butcher-WILLIAM SHrr-rLEworivir, Stratford-upon-Avon, victualler.
Bunnurrrs.-THomAs NicoLts VOSPER, Launceston, draper, to surrender April 20, May 25: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assignee. Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-CH.4E1.Es BUTTON, Holborn Bars, chemist, April 22. May 10: solicitors, Spyer and Son, Broad Street Buildings; official assignee, Cannan, Alder- raluibury- GEOROR BATrocE, Brighton, apothecary, April 24, May 25: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street -Ions TIPPLE, Nor- wich, tailor, April 24, May 21: solicitors, Mardon and Prichard, Christchureh Chambers ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-MICHAEL BALLARD LEE, Brighton, jeweller, April 15, May 20: solicitor, Sowton, Great James Street, Bed- ford Row ; Kennett, Brighton; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- GEOBOE JAEarrr, Wickham Welford, Berkshire, builder, April15, May 20: solicitors, Graham and Lyle; -Temple ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers - DasiEL FREDERICK FORD, Grosvenor Place, Commercial Road East, draper, April 25, May 15: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry; official assignee, Graham, Cole- man Street-JAMES GUNNERY, Kidderminster, druggist, April 22, May 15: solici- tors, Saunders and Son, Kidderminster ; Motteram and Knight. Birmingham ; offi- cial assignee, Christie, Birmingham-Enmusn WHITTENBURY Roriussos, Liverpool, cotton-broker, April 20, May 11 : solicitors, Lowndes and Co. Liverpool; official as- signee, Bird, Liverpool-Wittuas MICHAEL Pmsurrom, Yetminster, Dorsetshire, railway-contractor, April 20, May 11: solicitors, Linklaters, 'Mae Lane; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, flirted, Exeter-SAMUEL SHARP and WILLIAM LEAP MID- DLETON, Leeds, printers, April 25, May 30: solicitors, Payne and Co. Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-After:unarm Violates, Disley, Cheshire, cotton-spinner, April 24, May 22: solicitor. Blair, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Bandies- ter-Timmas FLINTOFP, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, commission-agent, April 11, May 23: solicitors, Toulmin, Liverpool; Hodge and Berle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ;
assignee, Wakley; Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
DirmENDs.-May 1, Miller, Landport, Portsea, mercer-May 2, Wethered, Churton Street, Pimlico linen-draper-April 28, J. and W. August, Norwich, builders- April 28, Spettigue end Farrance, Chancery Lane, booksellers-April 28, J. and J. Smith, King Street. Snow Hill, stationers-April 28, Pye, Chelsea, sawyer-April 28, Kerr, Biggleswade, miller-April 29, Taylor, Chancery Lane, stationer-May 1. Buck, Dalston, dealer-May 1, Callan, Bromyard, Herefordshire, grocer-April 28, Cleasby, Eccles, Lancashire, builder-April 28, Crawford, Warden, Northumber- land, paper-manufacturer-May 10, Mansfield, Lyme Regis, ship-builder-April 28, Leafs and Hervey, Halifax, spirit-merchants-April 29, Cavalier, Attercliffe, Shef- field, sugar-refiner. CERTIPICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.- May 2, Wethered; Churton Street, Pimlico, linen-draper-April 29, Shields, Lime Street, merchant-May 1, Braun, Old Fish Street Hill, importer of foreign glass-April 28, Bennett, Manchester, victualler -April 28, Cleasby, Eccles, Lancashire. builder-May 1, Whitney, Birkenhead, currier -April 28, Wood, Bog- nor, victualler.
HictuarroNs OP D/VIDENDS.-Toovey, Watford, innkeeper; first div. of 4d.; on Wednesday next ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Fryman, Rye, Sussex, wine. merchant ; second and final div. of Iljd. Wednesday next; Lee, Moos-gate Street-Harris, Hat- ton Gardon, hardware-factor ; second and final div. of 3d. Wednesday next ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Crocker, Sheffield, draper ; first div. of 53. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Pickering. Piccadilly, book- seller; lint div. of 4s. 6d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Homes, High Street, Southwark, woollen-draper ; first div. of 41. 64. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street -Harrison, Liverpool, dealer In locks; first div. of Is. 24. any Monday ; Bird, Liver- pool-Holme, Manchester, manufacturer ; first div. of 5s. 4a4. any Tuesday ; Herne- man, hituichester-Biowne, Amble House, Northumberland, shipowner; first and final div. of 4 11-16d. April 15, and any following Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. SCOTCH SuatnerniATroars.-Donn, Glasgow, cabinet-maker, April 18-Nairn and Son, Perth, Sax-spinners, April 18.