Mr. John Bali has addressed a letter to his constituents of CaeloW County, expressing great alarm at the reactionary feeling WW1 has arisen in England and Scotland against the toleration of Roman Catholiap. He warns them not to place a too credulous reliance upon the invinci- bility of their claims to religious freedom. He declares that there is a large and organized party, openly encouraged by the Tory leaders, who will not stop abort of the repeal of Catholic Emancipation ; and although he believes that the present Government is sincere in opposing the de- signs of this organization, he thinks that it cannot protect the Roman Catholics.
The Western journals pathetically record tithe vast and continuous drain of the population of Ireland "—the "unabated rage among the peasantry for quitting the country "—the "unprecedented emigration now going on." Already in some districts the demand for labour e*..ceeds the supply. Last weak, not fewer than 177 persons passed through Timm alone.
The Waterford revenue-cutter 'Captured a Russian merchant vessel, the Norden, last week,—hauling, down the Russianag fl with three cheers and a stave of "Rule Britannia.' But those who longed for prize-money were grievously disappointed, when they found that the ship and cargo had been sold the night before to a Waterford merchant for 3000/.!
William Smith, the Anti-Popish tract-distributor, has been assaulted in the exercise of his vocation : he offered a tract to Mr. Barlow, a Roman Catholic; who refused to take it, and kicked Smith's hand. Mr. O'Callaghan, the Magistrate who was reprimanded when he formerly held Smith to bad for thrusting a treat into the hand of Brennan the schoolmaster, fined Mr. Bar- low sixpence : Mr. O'Callaghan highly disapproved of the distribution of papers offensive to the religious feelings of any of the Queen's subjects.
The Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway has only a single line of rails. Early on the morning of Thursday week, a mail-train was detained at Sion Mills, a luggage-train having been disabled ; after a time the obstruction WUB removed, and the mail-train started for Derry. In consequence of the non- arrival of the mail at that city, a pilot-engine was sent down the line to ascertain the cause. The people in charge of this engine seem to have been grossly negligent and while rounding a curve, the pilot came into collision with the mail-tram. The drivers and firemen leapt off in time, but out of sixteen passengers, only two escaped unhurt : it is thought, however, that all the wo.unded will recover.