8 APRIL 1865, Page 2

The German Diet on the 6th inst. passed a resolution

declaring that it "confidently expects" Austria and Plussia to place Hol- stein in the hands of the Prince of Augustenburg, and to be informed of their arrangements about Lauenburg. Schleswig is not men- tioned, as not being within Federal territory. Thereupon the Austrian representative informed the assembly that Austria would agree to the vote provided Pruszia would, and the Prussian repre- sentative quietly declared that Prussia would not. She wished for investigation, but was in any case " unable to realize the expectations held out by the Diet." This is as much as to say Prussia will go her own way, and Herr von Roon, while demand- ing a grant of 2,800,000/. for the Navy, told the Chamber that Prussia had resolved under any circumstances to retain Kiel. Kiel and South Schleswig to Prussia, North Schleswig to Den- mark, and Holstein to Oldenburg, in exchange for a slice of territory, that seems the alternative Prussian idea. Herr von Bis- mark, however, evidently calculates on keeping the whole, and is said to be also arranging with the Czar for another bite of Poland.