The situation in Morocco has become critical in the extreme.
Fez is invested by the rebels, and the main body of the
Sultan's army is cut off from communication with the capital. On March 26th, according to a despatch from the Tangier correspondent of the Times, the Sultan sent all his Fez forces out to attack the Beni M'Tir rebels. This was 'done against the advice of the French Military Mission. The rebels quickly received reinforcements, and the Sultan's troops re- coiled on the capital in wild confusion. A Reuter measage in the papers of Tuesday said that the rebels had proposed terms to the Maghzen—viz., the dismissal of Glawi, the Grand Vizier, and the banishment of all Christians. There is no doubt that both the Sultan and his Grand Vizier have been guilty of the most cruel extortions. In France the situation has been dis- cussed in a Ministerial Council, and it has been decided to support the Sultan, Mulai