The conference arranged by Mr. Churchill between Sir James Craig
for Northern Ireland and Mr. Griffith and Mr. Collins for the Free State ended in an agreement on Thursday, March 30th. The two Irish Governments undertook " to co-operate in every way in their power " to restore peaceful conditions. The special police in Belfast are to be half Protestant and half Roman Catholic. A High Court is to try, without a jury, persons accused of serious crime. A committee, on which the rival creeds are evenly represented, is to hear complaints of intimit dation and the like. "LR.A. activity is to cease in the Six Counties." Persons who have been expelled from their homes are to be reinstated by the respective Governments. The British Government is to grant half a million for relief work in Belfast—one-third of it for the benefit of Roman Catholics. Those Roman Catholics who had to leave the shipyards will be employed again as soon as possible. " Political prisoners" are to be released in cases upon which the two Governments agree, but not those:who have committed offences since March 31st. The two 'Governments " unite in appealing to all con- cerned to refrain from inflammatory speeches and to exercise restraint in the interests of peace."