8 AUGUST 1829, Page 14


ORFORD, August 1.—The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church having received the congt, d'airc mid the King's lettet recommendatory for the election of Richard Begot, clerk, M.A. Dean of Canterbury, to be the Bishop of Oxford, on the death of Dr. Charles Lloyd, proceeded last Thursday in their Cathedral, in the usual form adopted on these occasions, to such election accordingly. Ecciesinstical Cranwtions—The Rev. R. Watkinson, B.D. formerly fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, has been instion ed by the Lord Bisaop of London to the Vicarage of Earl's Colne, Essex—Patron, II. H. Carwardine, Esq. of Colue Priory—The Rev. S. E. Bernard, B.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge, has been licensed Icy the Lord Bishop of Peterborough, to the Perpetual Curacy of Pytchley, Northamptonshire, on the nomination of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventy—The Rev. J. B. Williams, Vicar of Last with Major with Lisworney, to the Vicarage of Lantrissont, with the Chapels annexed, Glamorgainshire—Patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Gloucester.