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Lord Auckland is to be the new Governor-General of India ; and there is a rumour that Sir John Hobhouse will succeed him as First Lord of the Admiralty ; Lord William Bentinck to be the President of the Board of Control. The Marquis of Tavistock and Lord Minto have also been mentioned for the Admiralty.
Newspaper gossip says, that, Mr. J. Ponsonby, M. P. for Derby, and son of Lord Duncannon, is about to marry Lady L. Lambton, daughter of the Earl of Durham.
The Earl of Waldegrave died at his residence, Strawberry Hill, on the 80th instant.
• Mr. Michael Sadler, the Duke of Newcastle's nominee for Newark in the last Unrefornted Parliament, died at Belfast on the 29th of July.
Lord Brougham, it is said, intends visiting Dublin during the ensuing meeting of the British Association for purposes of science. Lord Mulgrave, it is further reported, has invited Lord Brougham to sojourn at the Phcenix Park.
While the examination of the Town. Clerkswas going on at the bar of the House of Peers, on Tuesday, Lord Lyndhurst said to the Attorney-General, who was standing among the lookers-on—" Campbell, you should take your place at the bar, on behalf of your bill.'' To which "plain John," replied, in a tone by no meens subdued or inaudible—" I'll see you damned first."