On the 2d inst.. in Cavendish Square, Lady LOUISA. DUNCOMBE, of a daughter, which survived its birth only a few minutes.
On the 3,1 inst., the lion. Mrs. iloWARD, of a daughter.
On the 3d inst., in Eaton Place, the Lady of .1. WILLIAM LUBBOCK, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 3d inst., at 42, Craven Street, Mrs. JOHN BARWISE, of a son.
Ou the 4th inst., the Lady of the Right lion. the Master of the Rolls, of a son. On the 1st inst., at Aberdeen, the Lady of Jour; Posers, Esq., of Newe and Edinglassie, of a sou.
On the let inst., at Fulham Church, EDWARD VILLians. Esq , to the lion. ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE LIDDELL. on the tat inst., at Shintield, near Reading. the Rev. HENRY GEORGE 'rammer, eldest son of the late Very Rev, Charles Talbot, Dean of Salisbury, and nephew of the Duke or Beaufort. to MARY ELIZABETH, third daughter of the late Hon. Sir W. Ponsonby, K.C.B., and niece of Lord Ponsonby.
On the 4th inst., at Petersham, Capt. G. STANFORD DEVERIT.T., of the 16th Queen's Lancers, to Axes Seism', youngest daughter of George C. Julius, M.1) , of Richmond.
On the 4th lint., at St. James's Church, Bristol, THOMAS Illasor.e junior, Esq.. of Norwich, and of Lincoln's Inn Fields, Loudon, to Russ, eldest daughter of the late Capt. John Dttngate Parsons.
On the 3Ist ult., at Madelev Manor. Staffordshire, Betairrosr, second survivtag daughter of the late Rev. Sir Philip Grey Eget tun, of Oulton Park.
On the 2.1 inst., at her residence in Baker Street, Prioase, relict of the late James A ttwood, Esq., of Corngreaves House, in her Rthlt year. On the 4th inst., at Manor House, Deptkrd, Kent. Capt. ilittratr, of tile lion. East India Company's Service.
On the 3i1 hist by the upsetting of a boat at Blackeners Bridge, Crown F., thisd son of William Langmore. 1".1.D., of Finsbury Square.
On the 2.1 inst., at his seat Burton Park, Susses, Joust BIDDULPII, Esq, in his 86th year.
On the 30th alt., Mr. TILDEN Sam, of Vineltall, Mountfield, Sussex, banker, in his 834 year.
On the 1st inst., at Inc residence, Peekham Rye, ions FELT., in his 54th year.
On the 4th inst., at the Deanery. the Bev. WILLIAM BLACKsTONS RENNELL, SOD Of the Dean of Winchester. and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
On the 5th inst., at Chelsea, GILBERT STUART NEINTON, Esq., R.A., late of Boston, in the United States.