8 AUGUST 1840, Page 11


It is not yet positively known whetlwr Parliament will be prorogued on Tuesdayor Thursday next. It is, however, understood that Tues

day will be the day, though this will depend on the progress which is made with tile business before the 1 Toltec of Lords. Preparations have already been commenced by the workmea in the lobbies, &c., leading to the House. The Queen will prorogue Parliament in person. The elevation on which the throne is placed is to he widened, in order that room may be provided for a seat for Prince Albert, who will accompany her Majesty.—Courier.

Prince Albert, it is said, will visit Oxford immediately after the vacation ; when Isis Royal Highness will Isave the honour of D.C.L. conferred on hins by diploma.

We are informed that Lord Falkland is appointed Governor of the Jordan Islands, vice N:ir II.everd Douglas, whose time is expired. 'The papers have erroneously stated this Lordship was to have supplanted Mr. P. 'Phomson in Canada.-Miner no Post,

l'aptain Sir Henry Loreine Baker, Cll., is appointed to the command. of her Majesty's ship the Howe.

Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Durnford King hoisted his flag on Friday last, on board the Smote:n:1mm. She is fitting for the Brazils and Cape of Good Hope station.—.1b1Olstone (+'azette.

The Globe says—" it was its express recognition of his high military genius, and satisfactory result of the war in which it was displayed, that her Majesty emsferred the Honorary Grand Cross of the Bath on General Espartero. Colonel Wylie, the British Commissioner in Spain, is to be the bearer of the Order."

The Ambassador from France, M. Guizot, set out on Thursday from London for the ChOteau d'Ets, where he is to meet the King and the principal members of the (70m:cid Baron he Bourqueney aerived on Wednesday from Paris, :snit Is is accredited on Thursday morning as Charg6 d'Affaires from France to the British Government. The absence ot M. Gnizot is expected to be for a few days only.

The eldest son of the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Douro, has been paying Liverpool a visit during the present week.—Lieerpool Standard.

Earl and Countess Grey left Berkeley Square on Thursday, for Lambton Castle. The Countess of Durham, accompanied by the Ladies Mary and Emily IA:subteen followed them on Wednesday ; and Viscount Lambton and Lady Alice Lambtots on Friday.

Sir Robert Peel left town on Friday last for Drayton Manor ; having been invited by the Duke of Rutland to join the grouse-shooting party, which is about to assemble at Loogsha we Lodge, on the borders of Derbyshire.

A letter from Brighton, dated Sa Iurda y, gives this information of our late visiters, the son and the denahter-in-law of feuds Philippe---" We learn by the Dart steam-packet, that on the arrive] of the Duke and. Dotehess of NentmIrs at I till 1° on Friday evening at sine o'clock, the

whole town had emptied itself to rev si ve them. 'Flu.. Mayor, the authorities, and the Nationel G nerd. were D)remost to erect their Dorn Ilialtuesses, and to escort them to the Ib'itel Royale, where a splendid dinner was prepared for them. The Dieppe hand played during the evicting in front of the hotel, fireworks were) let off, msd every house in tlw town was illuminated. Their Royal Iliglmesees break fasted at seven o'clock the next morning, and immediately afterwards set off for Paris."