The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland left Newcastle for Kilkenny 01 Friday, to spend some days with Lord Kenmare. His Excellency ac, companied by Lord Courtenay, explored one of the huge natural cavern' accidentally discovered on the estate of the Earl of Devon by,sorat workmen, and complimentarily named "the Ebrington Cavern. Os account of its dampness and cold, the party were snugly enveloped it large frieze coats.
Ms. Thomas Fortescue, of Ravensdale Park, has been elected for in the room of Mr. Henry Chester, who resigned. It was en heath)
d that the Count de Solis would split the Liberal interest, and /111111-e-fiento Parliament on the shoulders of the people as a Repealer ; but was not "entered" in the list of candidates, and Mr. Forteseue !walked over the course."
Colonel Clements has addressed the constituency of Cavan, offering himself as a andidate for the seat in its representation, vacant by the retirement of the Honourable S. R. Maxwell. We are authorized to state, that in the event of a vacancy taking ace, the Honourable Mr. Carew will positively stand for th" repro-entation of Waterford County.— WaterIbrd Chronicle.
f Mr. Garrett S. Barry, M.P., is this year foreman of the Cork County Grand Jury ; the first Roman Catholic on whom that honour has been conferred for the last century and a half.
The following letter from Mr. O'Connell to Mr. Barrett appears in the Darin Pilot of Wednesday. It relates to the Irish Corporation Bill, 0011 as working ; and has the merit of being within readable compass. " Galway, 401 August 180. eBly Dear Barrett—I saw with great regret a report in your paper of a speech of mine at the last meeting of the Repeal Association' in which I am made to say, that the • Corporation Reform Bill ' ought to be accepted. 1 „ad no such thing. On the contrary, I treated it as It deserves, as an additional ohne and insult to the Irish people—dissatistitetory to all—to those it expels from Corporations in existence, and to those whom it admits to the hare Corporations. "I see by the papers that the Duke of Wellington is made to say that lie was glad to find. that .the question was set at rest.' I leaven help Ids head I Ile has said many a silly thing in his life from the time he called English Comity meetings %/Lives,' to that in which he declared 'lie would be mad to accept the office of Prime Minister,' and then accepted it. Yet lie never said any thing lialf so silly as saying that the question was net at rest. Ay, set at rest!!!forsooth—whilst Ireland obtains a less portion of corporate reform than England or Scotland !: The way he has taken has set at rest one question end relied ten, whilst ou these ten he has weakened his own allies, mid given Os, whom he treats as enemies, additional strength. Altogether Ms corporate reform is the most Unwise as well as the most insulting measure that ever was prOilleed. We shall now see whether my friend, Me. Thompson, of the old Corporation, be a man of his word. it he be, we hail him as a Repealer. If he lie not trite to his own declaration, we shall not regret his loss, though I candidly own I would he glad of his assistance for the Repeal, as that is the only thingthat can by any possibility serve Ireland. " lain glad to see that you are a candidate for the new Common Council. I will be one myself also, although I will, of course, leave the office of Lord Mayor to one of our opulent and patriotic mercantile friends, Cornelius Mloglilin, George Roe, or John Power, or men of that calibre. But we must make our arrangements is evety ward to the satisfaction of the Liberal party. The moment I can get back to Dublin, I will go from word to ward, and get a Committee appointed to ascertain who are the fittest candidates, and who are most like), to obtain popular support. I should beg of the voters not to pledge themselves to any individual until we can call ward-motes, or meetings in each wird, to select candidates. By that means we will prevent proper candidates from dashing with each other, or improper candidates from tbrestalling promises. indeed, I think any man, who, for selfish motives, creates division or dissension in any wised, will deserve rejection. I also think that any man who will not submit his claims to a decision of the ward-mote previous to the day of election, ought to he rejected for that reason alon Mye. ward-incite, constituents know 1 have but one wish, and that is, to procure a respectable and patriotic Common Council, who will look to the due administration of the corporate funds, and abase all things, to the reduction of the grinding taxation under which the city of Dublin labours beyond any other town in the British dominions. "The moment I can get to Dublin I will. In the mean time, I implore of the electors not to commit themselves to any candidate, unless upon the express terms of his submitting to be regulated by a ward-mote, or meeting of the Liberals of the ward. I pledge myself before to-morrow fortnight to hold such meetings. If we all act in conjunction, we shall carry, by a triumphant majority, a Liberal COIllmon Council. If we divide and disgrace ourselves by seltish squabbles, we will do way with the little that is good in the hill, and become the laughingstock of our enemies. 'ham convinced that the great prospect of the Reveal being speedily eartied, depende on the manner in which dusk new Common Council shall he returned. If I am allowed to suggest to each ward the mode of considering what candidates should go to the poll, I will take care to have no one proposed without the consent of the majority of the electors in each ward, and thus MX a happy and useful result. Of course I do not dream of dictating to anybody. All I want is, to be allowed to assist in making an arrangement to secure success for the best men in each ward.
"Faithfully yours, DANIEL O'CoNNELL."