8 AUGUST 1840, Page 12


The morning papers contain numerous versions of the insane attempt of Prince Louis Napoleon to revolutionize France by landing at Boulogne with fifty men ; but the most complete, and apparently most correct account, is contained in the Morning Chronicle of this day, which we subjoin. We find it stated and believed in several quarters, that the Prince was but an instrument in the hands of certain Stock Exchange speculators.

" Boulogne -snr-Itkr, August 6th.—Wimerous is a small village, about two miles and a half from Boulogne. The party that landed from one of the Commercial Packet Company's vessels—the City of Edinburgh—consisted in all (including two grooms and it livery-servant) of fifty-seven persons ; headed by Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, General Count Montholon, General Voisson, and an Etat Mmor. They distributed their proclamations to everybody they met, and strewed tire-franc pieces to a nibble who preceded them. The abovenamed, cud about live or six other officers, one of whom bore an elegant and richly-decorated ling, with the golden eagle on the staff, and about thirty nice, all dressed in new military uniform, exactly corresponding with the regular French troops, military caps, (No. 40 in front,) and knapsacks, landed very early in the morning, in the boat belonging to the steam-packet, in eight different trips and of course without nuy interference on shore ; and crossing over the heights, entered the town of Boulogne about five o'clock, with about fifty raggamuffins, crying out ' Vice Plimpereur,' and marching down the different streets or the lower town towards the up per town. The inhabitants, hearing the drums of the National Guard, were alarmed, and closed the gates to prevent their entering at the top of the Grand Rue. The Prince and his companions thee proceeded round to the Calais Gate ; which was also closed against them. It appeared to be their intention to obtain possession of the citadel On the ramparts, where the powder and ammunition are kept, and which would have become an easy entwine 4, having one or nt most two sentinels to guard it. Foiled in this they proceeded Mong the Calais Road to the Colonne de Napoleon; which one of them entered by breaking open the door at the foot, and, mounting to the top, placed their flag upon it. By this time, a few of the National Guard made their appearance with their muskets and bayonets fixed, but au not approach very near to the insurgents, not having collected a sufficient number to attack them : after which, from some cause or other, a few of the Bonnpartists detached themselves from the main body, and were some of them soon captured ; others making, their way down to the sea-side in hopes of getting on board the steam-packet ; which by this time was taken possession of by the Ilarboue-master and about ten armed inen, who went out in a boat, boarded, and bruaght her into hai hour. Prince Louis Napoleon, and about tire other officers' with th e principal part of his comrades, then marched luto the town a second tune, and immediately went to the Barracks; at the gates of which there was one sergeant ant one sentinel, with whom the Prince had a short parley, and called upon them to shout Vive l'Empereurl '— whieh they answered by shouting Vice he Boil' and the sergeant Mime diately drew his sword; when Prince Louis Bonaparte presented and tired a pistol at him, which was warded off by the sergeant, and the hall lodged in the neck of the sentinel who stood close by hint, and who died in the evening. The Bonaportists had only swords and some few pistols to protect themselves, evidently expecting a large party to ,ioitt them. " They then, from littigue and other catt,s•s, got into disorder ; but Prince Louis I\ apolcua and a brother officer went on to the porch, and went in to the Permit-office, rains out, rind was in a few minutes captured with all his party then present—taken before the Mayor—sent up to the citadel under a strong escort, and placed in different apartments—which took place about half-past eight o'clock. Amongst the party who separated at the Column, were General Moutholon, his Zile-de-camp, and all•mt (.04 others, who got down upon the seasands, took possnssion of the life-host iv hich attends the sea.liathers, and were latmeltiog her into the sea, when they were closely pursued by the Nationul Guard, who tired into the boat, which was immediately capsized, and they were all immersed iii the water, but not entirely out of their depth. Two of them were brought out of the water and taken into the lodge of the thimane Society, being severely wounded ; they died immediately. That tine old man General Montholon, bethre he was cur of the water, ()tiered up his sword; but he was immediately shot at and severely wounded by a bricklayer, one of the National Guard, and takett away to the hospital, with little chance of recovery.

One of the officers met with a gentleman on horseback on the sands, and

put a pistol to his body, and desired hint to dismount and give up his horse; which the gentionan did, The officer itnnualltely niounkd and rode away ; but lie was chisi ly pursue I be the .(ymir,rmes, Rod cl.turcil a lbw miles bef4e he reached St. Omer, be( -tigh.t back', lodged in the citadel, and the horse token to Gregory's liss:ry-stables. " Several others of the party were brought in in the course of the day, who had secreted t hem..)elves animus the standing corn. " The steam-trinket brouglit in with bet a handsome green travelling-car riage, and a caravan, which contained all the military dressefi, caps, knapsacks, Pte., also eight very tine horses. The hors, were landed as early as convenient ; the carriages remained on board in pwsc=sion of the douaniers, armed with their sword, and muskets with fixed Icy. °nets. Th, master of the steant-paef:,4, Captain Crow, the mate, and the engineer, were taken under au escort If sill ti lo prison aliout seven o'clock; and Slant nine o'clock the r..st of the crow were also sent to prison to await examination betbre the Juge (1'1110111mi ,11. " There are also on board tbur barrels tilled with forty franc pieces in gold— otherwise called double Napoleons, or Louis. Prince Louis Napoleon hail also, contained in a belt on his person, twenty thousand pounds sterling in Paris bank •bills, which he is allowed to retain.

" Some of the Bonapart ists (slimmed in this mud attempt are very well known at Boulogne : their ualoos are mint yet published." "Boulogne, 711, A it/its!, sir O'clock o. is reported that seven are killed or drowned, exclusive of those wounded."