An overland mail has arrived from India ; having left Bombay on the 22d of June.
From China the news is to the 11th of April. The great Wow was impending—not struck ; nor were the preparations for hostilities in so forward a state as to make it likely that the British forces would reach Canton in the month of May, as had been expected ; for the winds had been contrary, and the transports did not reach Penang till the 23d of April, while Admiral ELLIOT only left the Cape towards the end of the same month. According to a letter in the illiwning Post, front a commercial house in China, the uncertain position of the trade rendered it extremely probable that, after the shipment of twenty-five millions of pounds of tea then lying at Canton, the market would be left bare, even if the export were not interdicted.
The intelligence from thriller India keeps alive the fear that our acquisitions in that quarter will be a mere addition of cost and trouble. The whole tract of newly-conquered country is in an uneasy state, and only to be kept for us by the occupation of British troops. According to some accounts, the Russians had reached Kliiva ; and though Captain Annul!, our envoy, had passed on to St. Petersburg with submissive overtures on the part of the Khan, it is not clear that the successes of the Russians had been so uncertain as to make them anxious to withdraw without full satisfaction of all their demands. The opinions attributed by the Indian papers to Sir ALEX A NDER BURNES, do not at all correspond with the confident expectations of Russian failure and backwardness, upon which Lord PALMERSTON and Sir JOHN HOIIHOUSE Seem IO rely. At Aden, too, the troops have not been left idle : an attack which was repulsed, but with loss, on the 20th of May, was expected to be succeeded by another a fortnight later.