The fine lea weather during the past week has greatly
improved the prospecte of harveet. The farmers are now in as good spirits as they were hist week depressed. Accounts from all quarters of the kingdom repreeent the weather to have been everywhere as beautiful as we have experienced round the Metropolis. hum Imlay parts of the South of tiegland, the reaping has commenced, and report speaks more favour:day of the yield then was expected. On some dry sandy soils, de qoantity will be less than an average, but the yeay is expected to prove Iiret-rate. From Ireland the same favouralle meports are made, The incee:sant rains that deluged that country a taw weeks back, love not seriously injured the crops ; and a continuance of' the tine weather is ould secure abundance. The potato-crop in Ireland is also spoken of favourably. We abstain from giving extracts from the provincial polars, as they are nearly all to the .stone effect.
The stand among the workmen in the blond-manufacture at Nuttinglem; appears to be universal. Not a machine is moving. Wah one mated \some and heart they seem determined peacefully to resist farther reduction. Indeed, the respectable manufacturers themselves are equally anxious with the workmen that a fixed, steady, and remunerating primes :amulet be maintained. To this end coutidence alone is necessary, 15 the demand-1hr both quilling. and plain and fancy blond is satietactory, end dews not require any dimmution in price.—Nottinekant