8 DECEMBER 1855, Page 11


The well-known dramatists MM. Anicet Bourgeois and Idrien De- courcelle having united their talents to good purpose in the composition of La Tole de la liaison, (the Little Treasure of the Haymarket) have con- tinued a partnership so happily commenced, and have furnished the Vaudeville with a new piece in three acts, entitled Le Fits de M. Godard. The moral tendency of the work, which is to show the evil that may arise from heedless coquetries on the part of a married woman, is whole- some enough ; but among the dramatis personce there is one of those luckless wights with two fathers who are by no means new to the French stage, but who most effectually barricade a story against English Sympathies,

The fall of the celebrated Mareehale d'Ancre, dramatized years ago by Alfred de Vigny, has served as the foundation of a new play by M. Charles Edmond, recently produced at the Odeon, with the title La Florentine,