8 DECEMBER 1855, Page 8


Sir Hamilton Seymour arrived at Vienna on Wednesday night, and took up his quarters at the "Roman Emperor." Lord Bloomfield has returned to Berlin.

Sir Robert Peel has found it necessary to publish a letter correcting "erroneous interpretations" of his Tamworth speech. In his address, he The Earl of Luean has been rewarded for his services in the Crimea by the Colonelcy of the Eighth Hussars. The Globe, in announcing this fact, talks about the "brilliant error" of the 25th October—" an error on the side of that ' dash ' the want of which is now complained of among our Generals" ! The Ministerial organ confesses that former censure on Lord Lucan was " undeserved " ; and tells the hero of the "brilliant error" that he "may consider the gift of the first Cavalry Colonelcy that has been vacant for some months, if not a complete justification of his judgment, as at least an evidence that his good services in the Crimea are appreciated like those of the other Generals who commanded divisions in the first Crimean campaign."

says, he stated that, "rightly or wrongly," an impression was afloat that "all had not been done by our fleets that might have been expected." Be did not attempt to discuss whether that impression was correct or erroneous; he showed that energy on the part of the Government had not been wanting ; he left his auditors "to draw their conclusion." When be said that "we formerly gained victories at 200 yards from the muzzle of the guns on the enemy's batteries," he did not intend to blame our commanders. In fact, by his remarks "no reflection whatever was intended on the Allied fleets."

The morning journals of yesterday contained a despatch from Lieute- nant Geneste narrating the Hango massacre, communicated to them by the Admiralty. The despatch is calm and businesslike, but it adds little to our information on the subject. However, it brings out clearly the fact that the murderers of the boat's crew were not irregular militia, but grenadiers of the regiment of which the King of Prussia is Colonel; that Lieutenant Geneste and Mr. Sullivan were bound tightly with cords after their capture, and laid on their backs in a cart ; that the seamen, wound- ed and unwounded, were compelled to walk by the Cossacks, who struck them with their lances ; and that the officers of a Russian regiment at Eckuess, disgusted with the treatment of the prisoners, cut the cords that bound them. One Russian officer present at the capture shook his fist in the face of Geneste, who was at the time held by eight ;or ten men. It is clear from this despatch that the ambush was prepared.

Many of the persons impugned by the Investigation Committee of the Eastern Counties Railway Shareholders have publicly put in their ap- pearance against the plaintiffs. Mr. Waddington advertises a printed re- ply for the 24th instant ; Mr. John V. Gooch will state his case ; Sir Morton Peto and Messrs. Edward and Alfred Prior have made statements in the newspapers tending to show that they were not inculpated by the Tilbury line contracts and the Norfolk coal arrangements, but proceeded regularly in the due course of business. These are the chief counter- statements.

The widowed Queen of Louis Philippe has been dangerously ill at Genoa.

"A considerable sensation," says a letter from Copenhagen, "has been caused here for some days past by the disappearance of the Portuguese Min- ister at this Court. He has been for some time subject to occasional attacks of melancholy, and on the Sunday before last left his residence, and has not sinee been heard of."

The Prase of Vienna announces that the Emperor of Austria has granted an amnesty to the Princess Belgiojoso, who for the last six years has been residing in Asia Minor. Tile sequestration laid on her property has been re- moved.

The Swedish order of the Seraphim, lately presented to General Canrobert, has been conferred on only one person in Austria, M. de Metternich ; one in Prussia, M. de Pfuel ; one in Denmark, Count de Mohckte, ex-President of the-Council; and five in Russia, MM. de Nesselrode, Mentchikoff, Woron- zoff, Orloff, and Czernitcheff.

The Reverend Robert Montgomery, author of "The Omnipresence of the 19eity," "Satan," and other works, and minister of Percy Street Chapel, has died at Brighton, after a few days' illness.

Mr. John Williams, formerly Member for Macclesfield, died on Thursday Week, at the age of fifty-six years. The immediate cause of his death was the bursting of a blood-vessel. Mr. Williams came from Denbighshire forty- two years ago, and engaged himself as errand-boy to a drapery establishment in Regent Street. He afterwards became a partner, and only retired from business in 1848.

It will be recollected that Mr. Curtis, the British Consul at Cologne, was lately sentenced to imprisonment by the Prussian Courts for an offence in connexion with the enlistment of Germans for the British German Legion. We have reason to believe that on the facts of the case being represented to the King of Prussia, his Majesty was pleased to pardon Mr. Curtis, and order the immediate release of that gentleman.—Globs, Dee. 7.

Mr. Bates has drawn up a memorial to be presented to the Queen appeal- ing for mercy on account of the peculiar position which he held in the firm of Strahan and Co. He sets forth the history of his connexion with the house. He is in his sixty-sixth year, and has a wife and five young chil- dren dependent upon him. In the year 1820 he was appointed a junior clerk in the house of "Snow, Paul, and Paul" ; in 1837 he rose to the con- fidential position of ledger-clerk, with an income of 5201., and free apart- ments in Norfolk Street ; in 1841 he was invited to become partner in the firm of "Strahan and Co."—that is, he was to be called partner, and accept the responsibilities of the position ; but he was only to receive 800/. a year, and to continue his former duties. He had no important control over the business—in any considerable matters he had to refer persons to the other partners. In 1548 he got his allowance raised to 1000/.; he never received any further advantage, and he continued to live economically in his free apartments. In 1852 persons named Gandell began to obtain advances from the bank, without Bates's concurrence or knowledge; these advances were increased ; when Bates knew of them he remonstrated, but in vain, for early in 1854 the Gandells had got 100,0001. advanced to them. Bates told Sir John Paul that one advance of 40,0001. would prove the ruin of the house. In December 1853 he advised that the bank should stop payment ; but his part- ners said they could: rely on their resources. Bates was not aware that Dr. Griffith's Danish Bonds had been sold in March 1854, till after the event ; Sir John Paul assured him that they should be replaced. From May 1854 to May this year Bates was mostly in Paris, engaged in endeavouring to ob- tain money from the Gandells, and he took no active part in the business of the bank. When, in April last, he told Dr. Griffith that his 5000/. of Danish Bonds were safe in the bank, he believed that they were—that the former bonds had been replaced by others bought in Dr. Griffith's name. On the 28th April Bates loft London for Paris, and returned on the 9th May ; he had no intimation be- fore he left England that his partners were about to raise money on the securi- ties of their customers; a large sum was thus raised whilst he was absent. When Strahan and Paul tendered in the Bankruptcy Court the list of secu- rities disposed of, Bates assented to it, but not as a participant in the opera- tion. Affidavits had been prepared and signed by Strahan and Paul, which they proposed to swear to, but were not permitted, in which they stated the position Bates held, and distinctly admitted that they alone had dealt with the securities. In conclusion, the petition represents—" That your peti- tioner was not cognizant of or in any manner, directly or indirectly, privy or assenting to any act of selling, pledging, converting, or using, any of the said securities of the customers of the bank, and de ited with them for safe custody. That your petitioner most humbly au Is that, under the circumstances hereinbefore set forth, he is not guilty of the crime of which he has been convicted. And your petitioner humbly prays and implores your Majesty, to take into your gracious consideration the facts and circum- stances above set forth, and to extend to your petitioner, now hastening to the close of a life which up to this fatal event had been one of unsullied honour and integrity, your Majesty's most gracious pardon."

The convicts Strahan, Paul, and Bates, have been removed to the Milbank Penitentiary.

The Reverend J. J. T. Somers, lately Rector of Sheviocke, Cornwall, has seceded to the Church of Rome.

The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe has entertained at dinner, in his house at Stonehouse., near Devonport, about thirty non-commissioned officers of the Royal Marines recently returned from the Crimea.

Dr. Robert Wallace, late of the James Watt, has been tried by court- martial at Chatham, and convicted of drunkenness on board the transport Cottingham and on the island of Gothland, and of "harsh and unkind treat- ment" of patients under his care. In consideration of former good conduot, the Court merely ordered him to be dismissed the service.

The clergy of the diocese of Norwich are about to:try the experiment of circulating useful, instructive, and religious books among the labouring classes of the rural districts, by means of licensed hawkers.

The activity of the Pontifical Government through its subordinates was exemplified recently in a case at Bologna. One Dr. Galletti came into colli- sion with the Police, by whom he was arrested. Father Freletti, a Domi- nican Friar, and member of the Holy Office, claimed the surrender of Galletti, apart from the question of his offence, expressly on the score that the prisoner "pertained to the Holy Office." The head of the Pollee refused obedience to this demand ; Freletti appealed to the Pro-Legate ; the appeal was successful ; Galletti was surrendered by order, and he subsequently went at large.

The Bavarian Government has just admitted Prussian and Saxon. paper money to free circulation within its territory. This measure is reciprocal among those three states, and may be looked on as the first step towards a general reform in the paper currency of the Confederation.

Two actions were decided by the Correctional Tribunal of Paris on Tues- day. M. Goupy, formerly banker, alleged that the directors of the Credit Mobilier had fraudulently caused a rise in their shares, and that they could not pay their dividends. Unable to substantiate his charges, Goupy withdrew them. The directors, however, insisted that the case should come on, and the result was their honourable ,discharge. Goupy was fined 500 francs, with costs.

The Paris Exposition finally closed on Friday last week.

Cholera still prevails at Corfu and Zante.

According to a letter from Naples, dated the 124th November, "the King had ordered the execution of an undertaking of great public utility. The Lake Averno is to be formed into a military port, and put into communica- tion with the Lucrine Lake and the sea, by means of a junction-canal, which is to run into the port of Baja, near Pozzuoli. The object of this important work is, in the first place, to render the country near those lakes more healthy, the pestilential emanations from them being very injurious, parti- cularly during the great heat; and next, to have in this place, which is sur- rounded by natural defences, an excellent military port, where vessels of the largest size may always find shelter. Four officers of the naval engineers, forty sailors, and 600 convicts from the galleys, have been already ordered to commence the works."

The late fire at Stirling Castle has proved fatal to Gunner Haines. Ile had charge of the armoury and powder-magazines. During the night of the fire, he did everything possible to prevent the flames reaching the pow- der. Those exertions brought on an inflammation of which he died. Our readers will appreciate the merit of his efforts when they learn, perhaps to their surprise, that in the two magazines of Stirling Castle there were stored no fewer than 800 barrels or nearly forty tons of gunpowder, In answer to a petition from the colony, the Queen has directed; that Van Diemen's Land shall in future be called "Tasmania."

The check to the exuberant prosperity of Melbourne has had some good effects : it has produced a decided diminution in the amount of drunkenness, and the reckless squandering of money is no longer a prevalent folly.

It is supposed that the total number of Aborigines in the colony of Vic- toria is 2.500. No census has been taken of them.

Coal in large quantities has been found in Ly ' ttelton Now Zealand, and is now selling at Christchurch, and at the plains in that province, at 51. 105. per ton. All alarm about the scarcity of fuel when the bush is exhausted of timber has now subsided. The fact that a supply of coal can be obtained at New Zealand, now a steam-packet communication between Australia and Panama is ()contemplated, is a matter of considerable importance. The em- ployment of more capital in the conveyance of coal will, it is expected, re- duce its price considerably.

Seven persons have lost their lives at Alexandria, in the United States, by a fire which is believed to have been wilfully caused.

The New York Crystal Palace was offered to the American Institute for one-sixth of the sum it cost : the offer was declined.

Seven men and a woman have perished off Port Stanley, Canada West, by the explosion of a steamer.

The Santiago and Valparaiso Railway has been opened for traffic.

The excitement in the sugar-market, followed by a sudden reduction of 108. to 128. per hundredweight, has now resulted in a complete stagnation : every one is afraid to move. Coffee continues to rise in price.

A "Belgian Transatlantic Steam Navigation Company" are about to establish a line of steamers between Antwerp, Southampton, and New York : the first vessel will leave Southampton on the 1st of January ensuing.

The export beer and ale trade of this country has attained to a very important scale : from the 6th January to the 31st October the declared value of the beer and ale exported was no less than 1,152,267/.

Advices from Hamburg state that the exportation of grain from Sweden and Denmark will not be interfered with by the Governments of those coun- tries, as the harvest produced more than was required for home consumption.

At the last advices from Java, the crops of rice, sugar, &c., were placed in peril by a long continued drought.

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday De- cember 7th, including season-tickets, 6586.