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FRANCE.—The Emperor left Paris on Thursday afternoon, for Com- piegne' there to meet the King of Sardinia. The Empress accompanied her husband to the railway station in an open carriage,—" a proof,' think the Parisians, "that she is in robust health."
Count Walewski, Minister for Foreign Affairs, has issued a circular to the French agents at foreign courts, defining the meaning of the speech delivered by the Emperor at the close of the Paris Exposition. He does so, he states, because different interpretations have been put upon it, and because "there can be but one."
"The Emperor said that he desired a prompt and durable peace. I need not dwell upon that declaration • it explains itself, and needs no comment. In addressing himself to neutrafstates, calling upon them to express wishes in this sense, his Imperial Majesty sufficiently testified the price he attached to their opinion, and the value he gives to their influence in the course of events. Such, moreover, was his opinion respecting them from the very commencement of the diplomatic conflict which preceded hostilities. The Emperor always thought that if they had then more forcibly expressed their judgment upon the point under discussion' they would have exercised a salutary aotion upon the resolutions of the Power that provoked the war. Their position has undergone no change in the eyes of his Imperial Majesty ; and they may now, by .a firm and decided attitude, hasten the denouement of a struggle which it is his conviction they might have prevented. It is with this view that the Emperor asks them to declare openly how they are disposed towards the belligerent Powers, and to place the weight of their opinion in the scales of the respective forces. This appeal, moreover, which was so well understood and so warmly received by an audience formed of the representatives of all nations, is simply a solemn act of homage rendered to the importance and efficiency of the task which devolves upon neutrals in the actual crisis."
General Canrobert arrived at Paris on Sunday, and instantly had inter- views with the Emperor and his Ministers. No fresh light is thrown on the object of his mission ; but it is said to have been perfectly successful both at Stockholm and Copenhagen. One statement is that Denmark will accede to a convention analogous to that arranged on the 2d Decem- ber 1854 between Austria and the Allies, thus bringing the official "moral opinion" of the Scandinavian Kingdoms to bear upon Russia.
Five French ships of the line arrived at Toulon on Sunday, bringing the remains of Admiral Bruat ; which were landed the same day, with the usual honours.
Too Comm.—Winter has begun at last in the Southern parts of the Crimea, but softly as yet, and not in the hurly-burly fashion of last year. The 21st November was the first day of winter ; it froze sharply, and some snow fell, but not much. On that day also, in accordance with general orders, the troops donned their winter clothing—remarkable both on quantity and quality.
The winter-kit served out to each man," says the Daily News corre- Ispondent, "is such as would render him tolerably independent of the severest season that can visit the earth anywhere between the Poles, and will certainly enable him to laugh at Boreas, be the temper of the stormy god what it may, for the next four months in the Crimea. The articles dis- tributed on Wednesday comprise a most excellent tweed coat, lined through- out with rabbit or eat-skin, the same as was last year served out to the officers; a larger and still warmer sheep-skin coat, two pairs of thick worsted drawers, two jerseys, one pair of worsted gloves, one worsted cholera-belt, one pair of long water-proofed boots, one water-proof sheet, one pair of worsted stockings, one pair of socks of the same quality, and one seal-skin cap to turn down and completely cover the ears and neck."
So much for the clothing. The Morning Post correspondent gives us a picture of the men clothed, written on the 22d November. "It has been somewhat amusing today, to see the men walking about in their winter-clothing. Every man has been served out with a very nice light tweed jacket, lined with rabbit-skin, and a fur cap of portentous di- mensions; and as for recognizing the British soldier,. no one accustomed to a barrack-square from the days of infancy would of his own natural sagacity be so far prepared. At this moment a stranger, or rather a person unac- quainted with Crimean life, might take a soldier for a South Sea Islander ; and when the new appearance of the coat, and the snowy whiteness of some of the rabbit-skins have disappeared, probably a pickpocket, or some other equally notorious vagabond, would be the oonclusion arrived at."
Nearly all the huts had been erected ; the roads were in excellent order • and locomotives, the Victory and the Alliance, were tearing over the line of rails. A billiard-table had been set up by a store-keeper on Catlicart's Bill; and the correspondents forward the rules of "grand military steeple-chases" to be held on the 3d December. No alteration seems to have been made in the disposition of the forces. The Russians, like the Allies, were making themselves comfortable.
Some notice has been taken of the return of the Imperial Guard to France, and it has been inferred that the aggregate amount of French force in the Crimea has been diminished. This, we believe, is not the case. Fresh regiments from France have replaced those whose term of service has expired.
One of the subjects occupying attention in the camp was the move- ments of the enemy, the marching. to and fro of bodies of infantry. These movements were, no doubt, only ordinary c.hanges of quarters, or field-day manceuvres ; but they were sufficient to raise speculations in the camp respecting their value as indications of a retrograde movement on the part of the enemy.
The Invalids Reese gives a detailed description of the visit which the Czar paid to the army in the Crimea early in November. Prince Gort- schakoff and the civil authorities received him on the 9th, in the church at Bakshi-serai, where Divine service was performed. The Mayor, the Tartars, and the Rabbi of the Caraim Jews, waited upon him presenting bread and salt ; and at night the streets and minarets were illuminated with coloured lamps, while tar-barrels blazed on the rocks overhanging the town. On the 10th, the Emperor inspected the troops of the Fifth
Infantry Corps, posted on the North side of Sebastopol; surveyed " the sea, and the city which had fallen after a glorious struggle " ; reviewed the troops of the Fourth Infantry corps, posted between Inkerman and the Mackenzie heights ; breakfasted with General Pauloff; and returned to Bakshi-serai. On the 11th, he visited the troops of the Third and Fifth Infantry corps, stationed on the Belbek ; the troops of the Third corps stationed at Jukar Korales ; and rode to the advanced posts of the Cossacks leading to the defiles of the Bidder valley. On the 12th, he in- spected the troops of the Third and Fourth Infantry corps, stationed on the Katcha in the defile of Teach Bastine. He also visited the troops of the Second Infantry corps stationed on the Alma. At the reviews, his Majesty thanked the troops, and conversed with the officers and soldiers : the soldiers cheered; the officers cried, " We will do all_that is in our power, Sire ! We will not spare ourselves!"
The Emperor issued the following address to his Crimean army, from " Simplieropol, 12th November." " Brave soldiers of the Army of the Crimea! By my order of the day of the 30th of August last, I expressed to you the sentiments which filled any heart with sincere gratitude for your services, which have immortalized the glory of the defence of Sebastopol. But it did not suffice for my heart to thank you from a distance for the great acts of bravery and self-denial which even astonished your enemies, and which made you brave all those difficul- ties of nearly a year's siege.
" Here, in the midst of you. I desired to say to you personally how much benevolence and real affection I entertain for you. My interview with you has procured me inexpressible pleasure' and the brilliant condition in which I found all the troops of the army of the Crimea, after having inspected them, surpassed my expectations. I felt pleasure in beholding you and in admiring you. I thank you from my very soul for your services, your ex- ploits, and your bravery. They are guarantees for me that my brave army well knows how to uphold the glory of Russian arms, and to sacrifice itself for its faith, its sovereign, and its country.
"In commemoration of the celebrated and valorous defence of Sebastopol, I have instituted, especially for the troops who defended the fortifications, a silver medal, to be worn at the button-hole with the riband of St. George. "May this sign be the certificate of merit for each, and inspire your fu- tore comrades with that sentiment of duty and honour which constitutes the unshakeable foundation of the throne and country. - "May the union upon this same medal of the name of my father, of im- perishable memory, and myself, be a pledge to you of our sentiments, which- are equally devoted to you; and may it perpetuate with you the inseparable memory of the Emperor Nicholas and of myself. "I am proud of you, as he was. Like him, I place full confidence in your tried devotion, and in your zeal in the accomplishment of your duty. i In his name and n my own I once more thank the brave defenders of Se- bastopol: I thank the whole army. ' ALEXANDER."
The Emperor has also addressed a letter to Prince Gortschakoff, ren- dering "full justice" to his "signal services" in defending Sebastopol, in falling back only stekby step, and in withdrawining the troops "by a road hitherto unknown)' He compliments him on the fact that "the order on which the gooteorganization of an army rests has not been in the least disturbed.!'
It has already been stated that the Allies had reinforced the troops stationed at Kertch, in order to hold General Wrangel in check, whose corps is also said to havh beenningmented. Advice. from Constantinople, to the 28th November, state thkt Admiral Lyons continues to cruise near the shore of Kertcht against which the Russians seem to be preparing an attack during the Winter. They are fortifying Arabat, and are concen- trating in, its environs 30,000 men-; whilst 15,000 more are sent towards Genitchi, in order to reestablish communications between the mass of the army of Prince Gortschakoff and the interiorof Russia by the road over the Spit of Arabat. The guns of the boats and steamers of the Allies, and of their floating batteries, can reach the Russian convoys along the whole route, and across the whole breadth of the Spit, unless maritime operations are suspended by the freezing of the Sea of Azoff. Accounts from Kertch state that the Russian cavalry, which had been in the neigh- bourhood of that place, have retired into the interior. Five gun-boats are still cruising in the Sea of Azoff.
The Mixed Commission appointed to take an inventory of the contents of Sebastopol met first on the 15th September. Their second sitting was held on the 25th, when a detailed list of the things captured was laid be- fore them.
- "The catalogue of these articles," says the Moneteur de la Flotee, "is certainly a most extraordinary one. 'Thus it shows that in the Malakoff and the Redan nearly 3000 pieces of cannon of every calibre were found, and 120,000 lbs. of gunpowder. In Sebastopol itself 128 cannons of bronze were found, and 3711 of iron. These pieces are divided into equal lots for France and England, paving due regard to the different calibres, and that one-half should be sent to 'France, and the other half to Great Britain, with the ex- ception of two magnificent bronze guns which have been offered to General de la Marmora ; but that all should remain in Sebastopol, and in the re- doubts and fortifications of Kamieseh and Balaklava, till such time as they were not required for the defence of the place, when each Government might do what it liked with its own share. These decision., taken conformably to the first act of the convention' leave the valuation of the pieces out of the question ; but by the fourth article of the same convention it is agreed that the value of the booty, 8re., shall be divided proportionally, according to the number of combatants whom each power had in line. Thus the effective force of English and Sardinian having been, on September 8, 63,741 men, and ours 126,705, we take two-thirds and they one- third. The commission afterwards passed on to the partition of the other materiel taken, and divided the following into three parts—two for France, and one-third for England as before, with the understanding that they are to remain for the supply of the defence :-407,314 round shot; shell, 101,165; canister cases, 24,080; gunpowder, 525,0001bs. ; ball-cartridges, for muskets and carbines, 470,000, in good condition, and 160,000 damaged ; waggons, 80; yawls, 6; logs of lignum vita, 600; anchors of port moorings, 400; anchors of different sizes, 90; grappling. and small anchors, 50; chains for anchors, 200 yards; old copper for sheathing, 104,000 lbs.; old ropes, 100,000 lbs. ; water-casks, 300; new ropes of different sizes 50,000 lbs., pulleys, 400; spars, 40; tools, 300; bar iron and steel, 1,460,000 lbs. ; iron wire, 400 lbs. ; iron cheeks, 320 lbs. ; sheet iron, 16,000 lbs. ; tin plate, 14,000 lbs. ; copper, 120,000 lbs. ; nails, 6000 lbs.; firewood, a large quan- tity; pitch and tar, 200 barrel,; barrels of paint, 150; small boilers; weigh- ing 6000 lbs.; the remains of a steam-engine of 220-horse power, taken out of a steamer burnt by the Russians; large copper boilers, weighing 100,000 lbs., 8; old .copper, 100,000 lbs. ; copper screws, 10,00011x. ; old iron, 60,000 lbs. ; large bells, 6; small bells, 10; hospital beds, 330; iron forges, in great numbers ; main tackles, 12; coal, 2000 tons ; steam-engines of 30-horse power, for the basins, 2; large pumps, for the basins, 3; ircua
boilers, 3 ; 1 high-pressure engine of 16-horse power, for the basins; iron cranes, 17; and engine of 12-horse power, in the military bakery 2 dredg- ing-machines of 30-horse power, unserviceable ; a still, a clock, six marble statues, two sphinxes, a large basso-relievo ; biscuit 500 tons ; flour, 150; barley, 9; buckwheat, 117; oats, 18; millet, 54; wheat, 20; peas, 11; salt meat, 50; wheat in the granaries 503 quarters, &c." The bread-stuffs were declared unfit for the use of the Allied armies, and were sent to Eupatoria for the Tartars. As it was impossible to divide the wood of the houses and buildings to be demolished, the city it- self was divided ; and to the English was allotted the Eastern, to the French the Western portion. Two Turkish field-pieces found in the arsenal were restored to the Sultan.
Trunixv.—A report is current at Vienna, that Kars is in possession of the Russians ; but it is not stated whether by storm or capitulation. Week after week the papers contain instances of the outrageous con- duct of the Austrian troops in the Principalities ; sometimes batches of crimes, sometimes isolated specimens. The outrages vary from simple insults, to robbery and murder ; and they are not confined to one place. Dr. Schramm, a French snbiect, has been brutally assaulted in the open Street by an Austrian Captain at Tergowitch. The French authorities have taken the matter in hand.
It is stated that a council of war at Cronstadt in Transylvania has pronounced sentence on Colonel Turr, the Hungarian deserter in English employ seized by Coronini at Giurgevo. Correspondence from Constanti- nople states that Viscount Stratford de Radcliffe has protested ener- getically against his arrest. The Porte also has expressed itself to the Austrian Minister at Constantinople as deeply aggrieved by this outrage, Seeing that the Turkish territory was the scene, and that the officer ar- rested is attached to an allied army, the individual members of which, by virtue of a treaty, have the right to circulate throughout the Sultan's 'dominions.
Russia.—A grand council of war has been convoked at St. Petersburg. It is stated that it will be attended by all the Archdukes and Admirals, by General Grabbe, who commands the army corps in Estlionia, General Sievers that of the Baltic occupying Courland and Livonia, General Berg that of Finland, and General Paniutin the army of the centre.
The Northern Bee, a St. Petersburg journal, has recently published an astonishing article, entitled "The War Beginning in Earnest," with the words of Kutosoff for a motto—" The loss of Moscow is not the loss of Russia." At the outset, the writer treats as an invention the fact that the Russians Were beaten on the 8th September, and that the Allies had taken Sebastopol. It then continues- " For from which side and at what time did the enemy enter the city ? Which Russian regiment was compelled to lay down its arms or retreat? Where are the trophies of victory, the hundreds of cannons, heaps of stand- masses of prisoners ? Of all this there is not a vestige; and the truth t the Allies were so intimidated that they did not venture into the -city, after it was evacuated by the Russian troops, for three whole days, and then only with the greatest precaution and with fear and trembling. It was only for the purpose of no longer serving uselessly as a target to the ,enemy, who were approaching the walls every day more and more, that the Russians crossed over to the North aide, just as one changes one's dress or selects another path. To be mire, it was a pity to put aside the beautiful purple dress of Sebastopol; but it is only for a time, and the Czar will soon give it another one far more magnificent than the former, and the genius of Todtleben and his companions will weave it at their,leisare and without a seam. No joy has been expres:sed at the- so-called victory by the Western Powers,'—neither by the English, who were completely beaten, as they have been in every action since the commencement or the war, nor by the French, who are now in a condition to quote the well-known words of Pyrrhus. The sole trophies of England and France are black crape and mourning dresses. The armies of both fought without any reason and solely by order
of their respective Sovereigns, who give them no protection or consolation under their misfortunes, by which they are reduced to the verge of de- spair • while Russia, on the other hand, attacked without any cause, fought
gallantly for honour and self-preservation. • Such a difference in the moral element of the two contending parties -cannot fail to terminate eventually in favour of the Russian arms, which was only at a momentary disadvntage,because it had not sufficient railroads, sior gune a such extreme range as those of the enemy. Whoever puts forth 'other reasons for the misfortunes that have hitherto befallen us is worse than a traitor to his country; for even the enemy acknowledges the heroic bravery of the Russians, and the superiority of our artillery and the scientific attainments of our engineers. "At first it was supposed in the West, that by obtaining possession of the South side of Sebastopol they had gained everything; and they are now the more surprised to find out their error' and to see that the war has in reality only just commented,—a war which cannot possibly reflect any glory on the Governments which brought it on, and can only end in their total pros-
t i
ration. Even now the blood of their own subjects s not sufficient for their insatiable ambition, and they are obliged to have recourse to all sorts of shifts to obtain men from other nations. With Sardinia the contract of sale has been concluded ; and Olozaga will, no doubt, be easily purchased; but it is still a question whether the brave Castilians will allow themselves to be sold. Ihe loan of 1,500,000,000 francs is no proof of patriotic !sentiments, for it was nothing more than a jobbing speculation of mostly Jewish bankers to suck out the resources of France and leave her bound hand and foot; when she will find out to her cost, that the Empire, instead of the promised peace and plenty, has brought nothing but war and deso- lation on the unhappy country. England has sunk low both in the esti- mation of Russia and France. Turkey is unable to move under the weight of the Trench and English proconsuls. Row different is the case in Rusam, where the Emperor never abuses his power, and the people never suffer from tyranny and the cold egotism of their riders. The Czar and his people are indissolubly united, while the first reverse of fortune will not fail to break up the alliance of the enemy. But it is not only behind stone walls that the Russians can fight; their present circumstances in the field are just as favourable. Our troops are now in the open country, for that is the natural scene of action for their valour ; but the enemy do not dare to attack them, preferring to sit down and intrench themselves. The enemy are not able to undertake anything of importance, and their position is far from being so favourable as they would make the world believe. "In the beginning of the war, a great part of Europe was no doubt un- favourably disposed towards Russia; which has:, however, now no enemies except Louie Napoleon (who ought to love Russia, which is the natural ally of France) and England and the Democrats, who also hate the French Em- peror. Prussia and the whole of Germany stand firm on our aide. Austria is become cautious, and the other states will come to their senses in time ; for Napoleon's overbearing conduct in Greece Turkey, Rome, Sardinia, Spain, Naples, and all Italy, as well as towards England, whom he leads by
the nose, shows sufficiently that he follows the traditionary policy of the first empire.
" The Russians are still in possession of the North side of Sebastopol; and even if we should lose it, the enemy have gained nothing by it, and would not be able to march into the interior of the country. A few attempts may be made to effect a landing at points of no importance, such as Kertch and Eupatoria ; but the more important places on the coasts are effectively pro- tected, and perfectly aide from any attempts of the enemy. They may come again with more ships, but they will be received by the Russian gun-boats; and we can wait their coming without any alarm."
The telegraph brings the intelligence that " the Odessa Imperial Come mercial Bank has suspended its cash payments, Unpleasant scenes have occurred in consequence. The Gendarmerie remind people, that by re- fusing to take bank-notes they display animosity towards the Govern- ment. The premium on silver is already 12 and 15 per cent."
THIS BALTIC.—The campaign in the Baltic is coming to an end. OA Thursday, says the telegraph, the united squadrons, with Admiral Dun- dee and eleven ships of the line, had just passed the Belt to the North- wards."
GERMANY.—The German news relates to the Parliamentary proceed- ings of Prussia, and the scarcity of provisions. Count Eulenburg, an Ultra-Conservative, has been elected President of the new Prussian House of Representatives, by 187 votes. Count Schwerin, the Liberal President of the late Chamber, received 133 votes.
The following telegraphic despatch has been received from Konigsberg, dated Tuesday- " An order has been issued prohibiting the importation of 'goods of any kind from Russia across the land frontier. Personal communication is also restricted to a minimum. The cattle disease has broken out in a malignant form."
[Gin this mean that Prussia has given up the lucrative Russian trade?]
Great distress is felt in Germany ; and, as the Berlin correspondent of the Times remarks, "the inhabitants in many places have been driven to be public-spirited, enterprising, and practical." Of this he gives many instances, "A, Hanoverian manufacturer, for instance, of the name of Egestorff, has in the neighbourhood of Hanover, at a place called Linden, erected an eating- house for the poor, which supplies food for 2100 persons daily, at the cost- price. Part of them fetch or send for their dinners and eat them at home, part avail themselves of the well lighted and heated dining-rooms. The establishment employs thirty-four pairs of hands in a kitchen fitted up with six cauldrons heated by steam. The present apparatus is equal to delivering 3000 portions a day, and with the help of two more steam cauldrons could sup- ply 4000. By the employment of 34 persons, instead of perhaps 500 women, who would waste each of them at least half-a-day in cooking for those 2100 persons, at least 216 whole work-days are saved. The firing of the one esta- blishment costs 4s. a day, that of the 500 families would cost at least 60s.; the actual outlay for the meat and vegetables is at least 20 per cent less than the aggregate of the individual households, and the produce of the broken meats and offal is a clear profit over the economy of the many separate cook- ings. A portion, or Serving, containing one quart of strong soup, with vege- tables in it, and a piece of meat from 21 to 3 ounces, costs lid. ; and this price leaves a surplus towards the wear and tear of utensils. The arrange- ments have been found eo beneficial for the poorer classes, that in Hamburg already two similar establishments have been formed and are in full activity ; the police force being necessary to control the ardour of the customers. In Bavaria where the Government has required the local authorities through- out the land to erect similar ones, the plan has already been adopted in many towns. In Berlin, the seat of intellectual civilization, they have already got so far as to propose it for imitation."
The preparation of bread also occupies public attention. Besides tab scarcity of cereals, there are two other causes in operation leading to high prices. One is the waste of bran in making white bread ; brown bread, such as that served out to the soldiers, although more cheaply produced, is yet bought at higher prices by all the connoisseurs in Berlin, on ac- count of its nutritive and other wholesome qualities." If the bran were used, it is calculated that one-fifth of the stock of flour would ho saved. The second cause is the primitive mode of breadmaking. This has been remedied at Stuttgardt, by the application of maohinery to the process. The flour is kneaded by machinery, "in a shorter time and better than the human hand can turn it out.' Ten men are employed on the es- tablishment; six always at work, night and day, so great is the demand ; while three are at rest, and one has a holiday. This bakery produces 16,000 pounds of bread per twenty-four hours, and sells the bread at a kreutzer below the price fixed by the Police. Orders for bread are sent in to Stuttgardt from a considerable distance. Near Berlin, the Presi- dent of Police has founded an establishment for the double purpose of re- forming criminals and supplying the Police force with oheap bread. The criminals make and bake the broad, cheaper than the ordinary bakers. In Prussia, the officials in the courts of justice, the railway servants, and the servants of all the corporations, have received an increase of allowance to meet the high prices ; and the Government has promised to find some relief for the inferior civil servants under the Crown.
ITNITED STATES.—The Asia arrived at Liverpool on Sunday, with ad- vices from New York to the 21st November.
The correspondence brought by this mail would lead to the belief that the British Government, in reinforcing the West Indian squadron, had acted on misinformation. Such is the opinion that finds currency among the more moderate portion of the American press. The New York correspondent of the Times states, that neither the merchants and bankers of New York nor the Government at Washington entertained any serious apprehension of a collision with England. The Washington Union, the reputed organ of Mr. Pierce, more temperate than the Star, contains the following passage. "There is nothing whatever in the diplomatic relations of Great Britain and the United States which need awaken a moment's solicitude on this side of the water. It is abundantly manifest in both countries that there exists in the minds as well of Government as of people a right appreciation of the value of mutual peace to each, with a correspondent determination not to let go its advantages for any secondary or inadequate cause. It is true that one most important question is the subject of earnest discussion between the two Governments,—namely, the Central American question but, although there is a very serious difference of opinion between them on some points, yet that difference is a matter still belonging altogether to the domain of negotiation. We apprehend that it will satisfactorily appear in the sequel that the pro- posed naval demonstration had its origin in part in mistimed alarm produced by the groundless charge, presented, as it may be remembered, early in Oc- tober, by the British Consul in New York against the barque Maury. At the
same time, it is not to be disguised that the error of the British Government in undertaking to raise recruits in the United States, the almast unanimous condemnation which that attempt has encountered in both countries, and some quite natural and conceivable vexation of members of the British Go- vernment in view of all the incidents and consequences of that unadvised undertaking, had influence in producing the order fern naval expedition, wearing the appearance, at least, of menace against the Utiited States. But, as the United States are acting in the clearest and most indisputable right 'in repressing and punishing all foreign recruitment within their jurisdiction, and as that right is unequivocally admitted by the British Government, it would seem to be impossible that that subject should produce any interrup- tion of our amicable relations."
This, it may be observed, only confirms the advices received last week.
INDIA AND CII INA. —The fuller despatches of the overland mail are more interesting than the brief telegraphic summary seemed to imply. It is true, there have been few- events, the chief being the reception of
the Embassy to Ave; but the matter of the letters from Calcutta and Bombay is suggestive. More light has been thrown upon the origin of the Sontal insurrection. It appears the money-lenders wanted 500, and that the Sontals would only pay 25 per cent. The money-lenders beat their clients and seized their crops. At this juncture, one Seedoo Manjee, or bead-man, while talking to a great concourse, "saw the Deity descend in the form of a cart-wheel. Two pieces of paper also fell on his head, in which he was ordered to exterminate the money-lenders and zemin- dare." The Sontals seem to have had no desire to fall out with the Go-
vernment. Meanwhile, it is said, the continuance of the revolt makes every race in India fancy that an armed struggle has a chance of success. The Times correspondent at Calcutta remarks on the radically defective constitution of the Supreme Council. Its two Civil Service Members
pay too much attention to detail ; its old soldier, although knowing nothing of civil business, thinks it his duty to have an opinion ; its one English lawyer applies English ideas on points where they are inap- plicable; and the whole end by stopping many things and delaying all. "As matters stand, there is weakness everywhere, except with Lord Dal- housie. The Government of Madras can do nothing, because the Council will revise every detail. The Commissioner of the Punjaub is hampered by the endless delay in answering his references. As for the Government of Bengal, it is coming rapidly to a dead lock. The minutest details are dis- cussed at length, and, of course, there is no time for more important mea- sures. For instance, take, on the one hand, the question called here the spoon affair.' The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal bought sonic plated ware to save the Government crockery, which was always getting broken during his tours. The Council found time to minute on that affair, reject the bargain, and rebuke the Lieutenant-Governor. On the other hand, the Budder Court is at a stand. This court corresponds exactly with the French Court of Caseation. Its business has, however, of late been so overwhelming that it fell two years in arrears,—that is, a case appealed on the let of Janu- ary 1850 began to be heard in 1852. To wipe off these arrears, the Govern- ment of Bengal proposed to increase the bench by two new judges. The pro- position, it was well known, would not be opposed. It went into Council, and there it remains—Council has no time. The business of the Court is three years in arrear, and every scoundrel in Bengal eagerly avails himself of a right of appeal which at !east protracts his unjust enjoyment for three years. Every great family in Bengal is overwhelmed with suits; yet we wonder that there are occasional bursts of discontent."
The accounts from Gude are contradictory. It was uncertain whether the fanatical Moulavie, Ameen Ali,: was marching on Fyzabad, or had returned broken in spirit and credit to Lucknow. But the danger of a religious war had greatly diminished.
• The titular Nawab of the Carnatic died on the 7th October, at Madras, in the thirty-first year of his age, His life had been spent in rioting and debauchery. He was the last of his line.
The Embassy to Ava was received by the King on the 17th September. The whole party rode to the palace on elephants, each member of the Embassy paired off with a Burmese official of corresponding rank. The scene in the throne-room is thus described-
" The throne-room is a large wooden building, wholly gilt inside, even to the ceiling, surmounted by a large spire, which in the distance is not unlike a church-steeple. A long clear space, in length about 100 feet and breadth about 15, brought us in the presence of the throne. We had Brussels car- pets to sit down upon, or rather to lie down, as you are supposed to sit side- ways, resting on 3-our hand facing the throne, with your legs drawn close up under you —a most uncomfortable position for one not used to it. After being seated in this way a few minutes, paun was brought in, in small gold cups, and offered to us ; water also of a very disagreeable taste was given us. About six or seven minutes after this, the sliding-doors at the back of the throne opened, and the King appeared, with the first Queen a few steps in his rear : they came up, and he seated himself, with his Queen on his right and a little behind him. The Queen had a China fan, with which she now and then fanned her lord and master ; but neither the King nor the Queen spoke a word. He was dressed in a gorgeous kind of over-coat, so studded
with jewels that be could hardly walk under it, and.a pagoda-shaped hat. The Queen had much the same sort of dress, but a bat something like an in- verted cornucopia. Immediately in front of the Embassy were some very pretty children lying fiat on their faces; these were the children of the Royal .Family. In front and to the right was the heir apparent, and our supposed enemy. The letter of the Governor-General was read out, the lists of pre- sents, and the names of the members of the Embassy. Presents were then made. Major Phayre received a valuable ruby ring and a gold cup
Shortly after the King retired, and we left the Palace, went down and
amused ourselves with looking at the tumblers, dancing-girls, &c., and then visited the white elephant. Contrary to my expectations, he turns out to be a noble beast : he is not white, but of a muddy colour; is about sixty years old; and had very fine jewels about him, the handsomest being on his forehead—a gold plate with a large emerald. The whole visit from the time ef entering the palace to leaving it occupied less than an hour,"
CANTP.IIBUItY IN NEV ZEILAND.—Advices from Canterbury, to the 11th July, contain an interesting account of the proceedings of the Pro- vincial Council at the close of a session which terminated on the 10th. The principal measures passed by the Council, besides a Waste Lands Re- gulation Act, have been, an Act for Incorporating Christ College, and the Canterbury Association Transfer Act. This last measure seems credit- able alike to the colonists and to the Canterbury Association. Our read- ers are aware that the funds received by the Association from the sale of land were insufficient to enable the promoters of the scheme to carry it out as completely as they desired; and that various individuals in Eng- land had from time to time advanced to the Committee of the Association, from their private funds, sums amounting to not less than 18,0001. The Committee also borrowed the sum of 10,0001. from the trustees of the Canterbury Bishopric Fund ; this latter sum being secured to the true- tees by mortgage of lands in the settlement belonging to the Association, and producing a rental of upwaeds'of 900/. a year. This proceeding was:at the time made the subject of- nautili animadversion in various quarters - and the Association were accused of having squandered and alienate/ the moneys intrusted to them for eeelesiastical purposes, and ef having fraudulently substituted in lieu thereof their own valueless and unsale- able land. The best answer to all these charges will be found in the late proceedings in the colony. In 1852, Mr. Henry Sewell proceeded from England to New Zealand, charged with the duty of transferring to the- colonists themselves all the property and powers of the Association, and of inviting the colonists to undertake the discharge of the debts incurred by the Association in the establishment' of the colony. He was also empowered to transfer to a body of Church Trustees in the colony all the ecclesiastical property of the Asseciation. Both these objects have been most successfully accomplished, By an act of the Provincial Council in a previous session, a body of Church Trustees was constituted. T9 this body Mr. Sewell has transferred all the ecclesiastical property, on a mode- rate estimate valued at 40,000/. The fullest accounts of the general re- ceipts and expenditure of the Association were then laid before a Com- mittee of the Provincial Council, and by that Committee rigidly serial, nized. This Committee, in their report to the Council, took exception to several items in the account, amounting to less than 2000/ out of an' expenditure exceeding in the whole 200,000/. The Council meanwhile was doubled in number, mainly with a view to the fullest consideration. of this subject by the representatives of the colonists. It was brought' forward for discussion on the 19th of June last, by Mr. J. D. Britten, in a clear, able, and conciliatory speech ; and resolutions proposed by him affirming the expediency of the transfer and of making provision for the. debt in question, without any deduction whatever, by debentures to the' amount of 29,0001. charged on the general revenue of the province, were. passed unanimously amid general applause. A bill founded on this'reso- lution was shortly afterwards introduced, and passed through all its stages' unanimously. The result will be best stated in the following extracts from the ',Welton Times of June 30.
"The outstanding accounts between the Province and the Canterbury As- sociation were settled on Wednesday last. The Provincial Council have taken up the whole of the Association's liabilities, without any exception, the Association's assets being banded over to the Province. No vote of the Council has yet given such universal satisfaction. It was generally felt that this was the right way to deal with a question so much out of the routine of ordinary business ; a question of how those men were to be repaid who ad- vanced means to this struggling settlement in its adverse days, in full re-
liance upon our exertions and our good faith
" One of the features of the whole business which will be perhaps the Most pleasing to the Association, is the testimony which it bears to the suc- cess of their scheme, and the prosperous condition of the settlement which' they have founded. That so young a settlement should be able to under- take liabilities comparatively heavy—at a moment when it has been defraud- ed of its land revenue bythe General Government,* and when it. is speadingt so much on immigration 'and public works—may be a matter for congratula- tion to those who have been taunted with the failure of their enterprise.- We must say at the same time, that whatever immediate pressure may re- sult from present expenses, the settlement of accosts will leave us eventu- ally gainers. The Association have been no bad stewards of the public pro- perty. They hand over now, on the assumption of liabilities to the amount; of 29,0001., property of much greater value. . . . A large portion., of this property may be realized within a few years, in order to redeem our deben- tures which are to be accepted in payment by the agent of the Canterbury Association.
"Nor is this the only property which-ía left to this Province by the Can- terbury Association. One of the most frequent and fruitful sources of attack has been the alleged failure of the Association in their attempt to found an endowment for churches and schools under the direction of the Church of England. We have carefully gone over the list of the Church and Educa- tional property now in the hands of the Church Trustees, which has been collected one way or another by the instrumentality of the Association, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is worth upwards of 40,000/. When we consider the age and the size of this settlement, and the rapidly progree- sive value of the landed property of the Church, we cannot, we think, main- tain that she i scantily or meanly endowed. 'When we compare this pro- vince to those around it, we have no reason for looking on that portion of the Association's scheme which related to the Church as by any means a failure.
"And now, with unfeigned thanks for past services, and in all kindliness of feeling, the Province of Canterbury bids farewell to the Canterbury Asso- ciation. From this time, as a corporate body it exists no more. But the ties which bind the individual members of the Association to this Province can never be dissevered."
We are glad to see also that the College is become a practical reality. There are advertisements announcing the election to two endowed Pro- fessorships—the Watts-Russell Professorship of Divinity, and the Hulsean Chichele Professorship of Modern History—and also inviting competitors for the Rowley Scholarship. It is gratifying also to see that the Canter- bury Patriotic Fund amounts to 900/. • and that prosperity, progress, and content, seem universal throughout the settlement.
• One half of the proceeds of late land-sales in the Province has been appropriated by the Acting Governor of New Zealand (arbitrarily, as the Canterbury colonists con- tend) towards the expenses of the general government.