The Congo question was further discussed in the Belgian Chamber
on Thursday, when M. Beernaert, the ex-Premier, delivered the most important speech of the debate. Having been associated with the Congo enterprise from its earliest days, and having supported King Leopold through many difficulties, he spoke with unique authority. In substance he agreed with M. Hymans's Order of the Day asking for full information and annexation. He declared that the Congo State was bound to Europe by special contractual obligations. He declared himself utterly opposed to forced labour, and condemned the system by which the government and the exploitation of the country were placed in the same hands. Annexation was the only remedy, and the King could not make such annexation depend upon any conditions about the Domains Pristi. The first step must be a. thorough investiga- tion, in order that Belgium might understand the liabilities she was undertaking. M. Beernaert's speech is the clearest and most statesmanlike utterance which we have as yet had from a responsible Belgian statesman on the subject, and we trust that he may carry the Chamber with him in his policy.