The Enchanted Land. By Loney Chisholm. Pictures by Katharine Cameron.
(T. C. and E. C. Jack. 7s. 6c1.)—Among the books of old fairy-tales retold, we wish particularly to call attention to Mies Chisholm's Enchanted Land, where we wander in the company of the Snow Queen, the Frog Prince, and many other dear friends. The pictures are very good, a noticeable point being the definite expressions on the people's faces, which is a thing not saws attended to by illustrators.— The Golden Staircase. Chosen by Loney Chisholm. Pictures by M. Dibdin Spooner. (Same publishers. 7s. 6d.)—Miss Loney Chisholm has compiled an excellent children's anthology called The Golden Staircase. She says that she intends it for children from four to fourteen years of age, but people of every age will find a store of pleasure in its pages. One three-year-old critic is delighted with it, and the present writer has spent time that should have been employed in reviewing in simply enjoying the poetry. The old favourites are there, and many new ones too. From Shakespeare and Marlowe down the years to Stevenson and John Hay, we can wander and browse at pleasure. We are glad to see that carols and hymns are also included in the collection.