Lunar lunacy
What kind of lunar lunacy is this? Surely any attempt to change the leader of the Labour Party now would lead to even more bitterness and strife. Alas, there is a more sane interpretation of Mister Rodgers's utterances, and Puzzle is sorry to relate they find a mirror image across the floor in the charges of Mr Powell. The good John Dryden expressed it well:
Plots, true or false, are necessary things
To raise up Commonwealths, and ruin kings.
Master Rodgers knows full well that there is no possibility of Mr Wilson being remove& before the next election. Equally he knows . that if his own party won that particular battle the prospects of his chosen hero, Mr Jenkins, would be nil, as would his own. In that sad event it would seem probable that Jenkins the Claret would accept some of the .offers he has had to further the Socialist cause by editing the Economist or some other
useful occupation such as giving elocution lessons to the French or the Welsh.
If, however, the Labour Party were to lose the next election, fighting on a nationalisation ticket, a different situation would arise. Citizen Benn and other callow fellows of his turn of mind could be disposed of, and sane wise Socialists like Master Crosland, the good physicians Mabon and Owen, the mad professor Mackintosh, and Spoletta Rodgers himself, could rally round Jenkins to find the promised land flowing with MoutonRothschild and Malmsey.