Sir: Nicholas Davenport sneers about the referendum vote of "my
honest charlady and 50 million good simple People like her". Just let us suppose for a moment that this country had been guided through the last twenty years by a Parliament of honest charladies, I have no doubt that We should now be a happy, honest and commonsensical nation, doing what needs to be done, earning our living in an honest, useful way, uncorrupted and unbetrayed ... the admiration of less happy lands. Well, maybe we can aim at something like that just the same — after we 50 million honest simple souls have shown in our referendum exactly where the Nicholas Davenports get off. But The Spectator (apart from him) should get free charring for life, in honour of the splendid battle it has fought all the time for the freedom of us
50 million. Eve Reffoid
19 Hoxton Road, Ellacombe, Torquay