8 FEBRUARY 1975, Page 5

From Mrs Joan Kavanagh

Sir: Being neither middle-aged nor male I cannot enlighten Mrs Simms on the reactions of middle-aged anti-abortion males who intrigue her. As a young female with children who was offered an abortion as an easy way out of a Possible problem 1 find Mrs Simms a subject of interest and speculation. She has borne children, yet she is in the forefront of a crusade to destroy children in the earliest stages of development. She champions the rights of the strong against the weak and most vulnerable. She accuses her opponents of hysteria but her own article is ranting rather than rational. She quotes evidence from European countries which appears to support her case, but ignores the experience of Eastern European countries which weaken her case. She makes appeal to the situation in 'Catholic' countries when it suits her, but Implies that 'Catholic consciences' are of less import than others when it does not. She accuses James White of Political opportunism, almost of bad faith, and of course she totally ignores the unborn child. Can such a strident and prejudiced voice be taken seriously? She could Perhaps help herself by a quick examination of conscience.

Joan Kavanagh 5 Byron Crescent, Bedford