The Horseman's Manual is a treatise upon all those cases
in which disputes may arise in the sale of horses. They are very numerous, and curious, as may be proved by the great number of horse causes which grace our courts of justice and task the ingenuity of our ablest ,lawyers. It may prove a really useful book, and perhaps be the means of preserving many a horse-buyer from imposition.
Among the curious points of law connected with horse-buying, we were struck with the injustice of the decision, as laid down by the judges, that no time can ratify a bargain, in which there has been an original flaw. That is to say, that a horse actually unsound at the time of sale, and sold under a warranty, may be returned at any time, however long after the purchase. We think that only a lair time of trial should be allowed : a man miaht keep the horses of another a couple of years, and after having had the use of them, return them to the owner. It is possible, too, that this may be the result of a plot, and the purchaser may at the time have been cognizant of the unsoundness. ,