The Belgian Congress is busied in passing decrees for the
internal regulation of the state. The imposts existing on the 31st December 1830, are continued for six months ; the additional 22 centimes on patents on the indirect taxes and the excise are reduced to 13. There are several other regulations ; one of them states that the law of 3rd June 1830, which imposed a duty on coffee and an increased excise on salt, wine, and other commodities, is reportedâquery, repealed The French journals still assert that Prince LEOPOLD will be the sovereign of Belgium, with Princess MARY of Orleans for his bride.
The territory of Belgium has been divided into four military arrondissemens,âthe first comprehends East and West Flanders ; the second, Antwerp and South Brabant; the third, Limbourg and Liege ; the fourth, Hairnault, Luxembourg, and Namur. These grand divisions are each to be commanded by Generals ; the provinces are to be commanded by officers having the rank of Lieutenant-Colonels.
The Brussels journals present us with a copy of the deliberations of the Ambassadors of the Five Powers. This document bears, that the armistice agreed on by both parties is a fulfilment of the first part of the act of arbitration undertaken by the great Powers ; that the separation of the two countries of Belgium and Holland is acquiesced in, on the ground that their amalgamation has been proved to be impossible ; that Belgium, though separated from Holland, is not separated from the obligations of the treaties entered into between Holland and the rest of Europe. With a view to the discussion of the measures best calculated to combine the independence of Belgium with the observance of these treaties, a plenipotentiary, appointed by the Provisional Government, is to attend the future meetings of the five Ambassadors. The resolutions agreed on are not to affect the rights of the King of the Netherlands, as he is styled throughout the document, or of the Germanic Confederation, over Luxembourg. This protocol is dated the 20th ult., and was submitted to the Congress on the 3rd instant. The Congress remark, rather drily
" It appears to them that the raising of the blockade, and the free navigation of the Scheldt, being the principal condition of the armistice, and even of the suspension of arms, executed already on the 21st of November, the first task undertaken by the five great Powers, was not yet
accomplished. * * Independent Belgium has doubtless to perform its part of the duties towards Europe ; but it will be difficult to conceive what obligations can be imposed on it by treaties in which it took no part!)
The plain fact is, that the five great Powers have assumed an office to which they are incompetent. Instead of leaving Belgium and Holland to settle their own disputes, they interfered to reconcile the "revolted subjects " to their "enlightened king ;" but the revolters were strong, France was sturdy, and the Powers have been glad to sneak back from their false position as they best could. The attempt to make Belgium a party to the treaties concluded by the King of Holland, is equally ridiculous, and deserves to be followed up in a similar manner with the fanfaronade of the King's Speech. Belgium will persist in denying the obligation of these treaties ; and by the next protocol it will learn that they cannot be observed, for the same reason that Belgium cannot remain united to Hollandâbecause it is impossible.