The King of Hanover made his solemn entry into his
kingdom on the 27th, and into his capital on the 28th of June. The Han- over Gazette gives the following account of the ceremonies then and there performed.
" The Hanoverian, testified towards his Majesty all that respect and devotion which they have ever shown for his dynasty. On the 27th, the King arrived at Osnabruc ; where he was received with transports of enthusiasm. Next day, all the inhabitants of the villages through which be passed went out to meet him. His Majesty dismissed his escort, which was composca of the body guards. Salvos of artillery announced his arrival. At a few minutes before six, the King reached the entrance of the street called Calemberg, where a triumphal arch had been erected:. His Majesty was accompanied by his Grand Equerry, the Count de Kielmanswegge, with a body of the citizens on horse- back. The authorities of the city were waiting to receive him. The Governor of the city presented the keys to his Majesty, on a silken cushion, and delivered a loyal address ; to which the King replied—' You know my love for this country, in which I passed my youth. It has pleased Providence to call me to the throne of my ancestors ; and the Hanoverians shall find in me a just and benevolent King.' These words, uttered with deep emotion, were greeted with loyal acclamations. His Majesty then proceeded to the Palace, rectivinm as he went along renewed testimonials of the general joy. Ile was received ly the Duke of Cambridge and his son, Prince George. Soon afterwards, the Minis- ters and Officers of State were admitted to pay their homage to the King: in the evening there was a general illumination. To-day (the 29th) his Majesty will hold a Council of Ministers. Ile intends to proceed shortly to the baths at Carlsbad, where he will remain until August."