A tragical scene occurred in Hyde Park, on Monday morning,
about nine o'clock. The First Battalion of the First Regiment of Foot Guards had entered the Park to exercise, with colours flying and baud playing. Their Commander, Colonel Ellison, was accompanied to the ground by his wife. The men were drawn up in line ; and the Colonel had just given the word "Present arms !" when he fell from his horse in a fit. Several officers galloped to his assistance, others for medical aid. Mrs. Ellison was in an instant kneeling by her husband's side ; but, overcome by emotion, she fainted, and was carried away. A medical man happened to be on the spot, but he could do no more than pronounce the Colonel dead. Colonel Robert Ellison entered the Army as an Ensign in 1807, and served with distinction in the Peninsula and at Waterloo. At a Coroner's inquest, on Tuesday, Captain Frederick Hamilton stated, that when he asked Colonel Ellison how he did on Monday morning, he replied that he did not feel well, and that he had not felt well all the previous day. Mr. Copeland attributed the death to disease of the heart, with which the Colonel had been affected for twelve months; Mr. Elsgood, another surgeon, to disease of the brain. The Jury's verdict was" Died by the visitation of God."